2023 Parent-Family-Handbook

SO MUCH TO DO Without question, when you ask students who had a great freshmen year what really made it extraordinary, they all say, “I got involved right away.” Encourage your student to participate and to make the most of their college experience. There are many ways to get involved, share a talent, try something new or to serve others at The Woods.

Campus Ministry As a Catholic-based ministry that serves students of all faiths, Campus Ministry provides a welcoming community atmosphere, peer support and education of spirituality, social justice and religion. It encourages lay leadership, faith ownership and social justice outreach.

Opportunities for service include alternative spring break and fall break mission trips, attending student-planned events sponsored by Campus Ministry as well as service learning projects. The Office of Campus Ministry is located on the garden level of Le Fer Hall and may be reached at campusministry@smwc.edu.

Intramurals and Club Sports Intramurals are a fun way for students to compete amongst themselves while having fun and staying fit. Throughout the year there are competitions that include basketball, dodgeball and bowling. Club sports at The Woods provide a rich campus life experience for students in a team and individual sport competitive atmosphere. In addition to the sheer fun of the sport or the excitement of competition, a student can gain important life skills in leadership, competition, organization, goal setting and other transferable skills. SMWC offers five club sports: eSports, Competitive Cheer,

Dance, Powerlifting, Rowing and Tennis. Each sport is guided by a head coach or instructor. Some clubs may require try-outs for participation while others may have open membership.


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