2023 Parent-Family-Handbook
Technology Each building is equipped with the latest wireless technology and students have access to wireless printers in each building, including on their residence floor. Through our newly launched initiative, Technology Revolutionizing Educational Experiences and Success (T.R.E.E.S.), all incoming campus based students will receive an Apple iPad Air. The technology fee, included in their tuition and fees, will cover the cost of the tablet, as well as an Apple Pencil, three years of Apple Our Professors are ALL IN! Every professor is committed to the success of students at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College. Our smaller class sizes, with a student/professor ratio of 13 to 1, allow professors to work closely with students and be available for assistance and encouragement. Students can visit their professors during their posted office hours or can email their professors with questions or requests for assistance.
Care, One Drive file storage, Microsoft Office 365 online and no-cost printing. Each iPad will be 64 gigs of storage and come with Wi-Fi-only capabilities.
SEND A CARE PACKAGE, LETTER OR CARD Who doesn’t love to get mail or a surprise package? U.S. Postal mail is delivered daily. Your student’s mail is delivered to the front desk of Le Fer Hall and is available for pick-up during normal front desk hours. Students will receive an email notifying them when they have a package that has been delivered. Packages will also be held at the Le Fer front desk during regular business hours. PLEASE NOTE: Guaranteed express or other timed early delivery packages are independent of SMWC. Your mailing address should be formatted as follows:
[Student Name] 1 St Mary of Woods Coll Saint Mary of the Woods, IN 47876
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