Arete Vol 2 Spring 2024

Αρετή (Arete) Journal of Excellence in Global Leadership | Vol. 2 No. 1 | 2024

Lin, P. L. (2010). Learn to embrace cultural relativism – A speech at NIT-UIndy Joint Program

Commencement in 2010. In Dr. Phylis Lan Lin: Meet the Founder compendium, In Phylis Lan Lin

& C. C. Blitzer (eds.). Dr. Phylis Lan Lin: Meet the founder of Compendium. 327 – 338. Indianapolis,

In The Phylis Lan Lin Department of Social Work, University of Indianapolis.

Lin, P. L. (2004). On leadership. In Phylis Lan Lin & C. C. Blitzer (eds.). (2020). Dr. Phylis Lan Lin: Meet

the founder of Compendium. 149 – 154. Indianapolis, In The Phylis Lan Lin Department of Social

Work, University of Indianapolis.

Lin, P. L. (2010). Learn to embrace cultural relativism. A Commencement speech made at the Sino

American Joint Program in Ningbo, China. In Phylis Lan Lin & C. C. Blitzer (eds.) (2020). Dr.

Phylis Lan Lin: Meet the founder of Compendium. 149 – 154. Indianapolis, In The Phylis Lan Lin

Department of Social Work, University of Indianapolis.

Lin, P. L. (2016a). On becoming a champion. In Phylis Lan Lin & C. C. Blitzer (eds.) (2020). Dr. Phylis

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Department of Social Work, University of Indianapolis.

Lin, P. L. (2016b). Embracing and cultivating humility — An opening speech at the 2016 AODN Sumit. In

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