Arete Volume 3

Αρετή (Arete) Journal of Excellence in Global Leadership | Vol. 3 No. 1 | 2025

chaplain: Minister

following your religion or AFI defined

Emerging Servant Leadership Culture: Leadership Influences Followers

Align leadership behaviors with values and beliefs; model desired behaviors; rebuild trust among leaders and followers

Implement Total Leadership program and Overcoming the Five Dysfunctions of a Team. Encourage Servant Leadership, growth & development Complete Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire: MLQ II 360 Leader’s Report with Authentic Leadership Styles & Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire: Group Report: MLQ II 360 Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire: Group Report: MLQ II 360 Suite; Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire: MLQ II 360 Leader’s Report with Authentic Leadership Styles Character testing DISC Profile:

Greenleaf (2002) MindGarden (2019) Overcoming the Five Dysfunctions of a Team

(Lencioni, 2005) Total Leadership (Friedman, 2014)

Characteristics Matter

Identify weaknesses and strengths


Chaplains who can reconcile tensions between faith and job remain; chaplains who are not a good fit leave or let go.

Total Leadership (Friedman, 2014)

Total Leadership (Friedman, 2014)

Source: Author’s illustration , 2024, adapted from Air Force chaplains balancing the scales: The dichotomy between service before self and self before service, by Dyer, 2021, p. 127. (Publication No. 28775633) ProQuest Dissertations and Thesis Global. Copyright 2021 by Dyer.

Air Force chaplain leaders are in a position to impact followers. By being self-aware of their leadership style and limitations, chaplain leaders can develop skills to become


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