Arete Volume 3

Αρετή (Arete) Journal of Excellence in Global Leadership | Vol. 3 No. 1 | 2025

explore the influence of how a chaplain defines and understands what it means to be an Air Force chaplain on the guidance they offer leadership.

This study shows that there may be differences between civilian ministers and Air Force chaplains. Further research on these differences may provide insights to assist civilian ministers entering the world of being an Air Force chaplain. The differences between civilian ministers and Air Force chaplains may also contribute to a more expanded definition and understanding of the Great Divide. The findings from this study, particularly the findings on the need for chaplains to spend time reflecting on what they are experiencing and why they became a chaplain in the first place, may be a need that exists with all chaplains or ministers, both military and civilian. The need to pause and reflect may also be beneficial for individuals in similar caregiving roles, such as counselors, clinicians, or psychologists. Additionally, experience or learning by doing may also a finding that is transferable and not limited to individuals in ministry roles.


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