Arete Volume 3
Αρετή (Arete) Journal of Excellence in Global Leadership | Vol. 3 No. 1 | 2025
U.S. military assistance to foreign private contractors providing homeland security could be discussed, as part of a plan to, for example, reinforce border controls.
Develop an Integral Policy for Environmental Protection and Restoration In light of previous planning experiences in the field, such as the National Strategy and Action Plan for the Preservation of Biodiversity in Paraguay 2015-2020 (ENPAB), Paraguay should move on to creating a newly improved long-term strategy as well as a comprehensive policy that deals not only with environmental protection but also its restoration. As a matter of fact, a proposal for a National Environmental Policy was being elaborated by MADES, although no updates on the matter have been published since 2021. In so doing, a new holistic environmental strategy and policy would have to effectively align other stakeholders and actions being made in several related areas, such as the National Forestry Institute of Paraguay in its efforts to produce a long-term National Plan of Forest Restoration, while defining a ‘champion’ public entity that can effectively lead its implementation. Once again, technology would certainly play a major role in this process by providing persuasive surveillance and ensuring law enforcement, including real-time detection of illegal deforestation or slash-and-burn practices. Foster Electric Mobility in Public and Private Transportation The country’s surplus in hydroelectric production makes it suitable for usage in the transportation sector. With appropriate investment, incentives, promotion and a proper regulation, this would allow a gradual replacement of fuel-powered automotives, especially old, malfunctioning diesel city buses, with new non-polluting vehicles and other potential means of electric mobility e.g., train shuttles or monorails in congested Asuncion and its surrounding metropolitan area, thus substantially improving the air quality in major cities. For instance, assisted technically and financially by distinct cooperation agencies, Paraguayan authorities have published in 2023 a Master Plan of Electric Mobility for Urban Public and Logistical Transportation in Paraguay (PMME). Its successful implementation would then require a strong public institution with the ability to lead specific projects, articulate participants, execute tasks, delegate responsibilities and effectively monitor the plan’s progress as a whole.
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