Arete Volume One Fall 2022
Αρετή (Arete) Journal of Excellence in Global Leadership | Vol. 1 No. 1 | 2022
Exploring Global Leadership Storytelling for Efficacy and Wellbeing among Organizational members
Trent Deckard Lecturer, Indiana University's Kelley School of Business Bloomington, Indiana, United States
Abstract Background: Organizational members are exposed to storytelling around the globe and emerging literature is beginning to discuss this phenomenon. Little is known about storytelling within global organizations. Objectives: This essay discusses the need to gather knowledge around global leadership storytelling and whether its use increases feelings of self-efficacy and wellbeing in organizational members. It calls for a qualitative examination of storytelling by encouraging further study of leaders in Greece, Ireland, and the United States. These locations were chosen for their rich storytelling history, civic engagement, social change, and Hofstede (2022) scores on individualism which reflect different ways that cultural members approach group interactions. These nations serve as the first part of a global component of western and non-western locations informing on storytelling and global leadership. This essay also contends that global organizations can examine storytelling as it occurs internally and suggests a model and series of questions to help evaluate that influence. Approach: Narrative Paradigm Theory, offered by Fisher (1985), allows humans are storytellers and are surrounded by communication making sense of the world and creating shared meaning. Narrative Paradigm Theory may provide a significant way to better understand the narration, narratives, stories, and storytelling used by global organizational members . Literature on self-efficacy and wellbeing suggests that various group interactions have positive influences on both outcomes and offer considerations for a model to help measure the effectiveness of global leadership storytelling. Conclusion: This essay offers strategies to help organizations better understand the significance of global leadership storytelling on their members.
Keywords: global leadership; storytelling; story; communication; narrative; narration; self-efficacy; wellbeing; organizational culture
Paper type: Critical Essay & Perspective
Citation: Deckard, T. (2022). Exploring Global Leadership Storytelling for Efficacy and Wellbeing among Organizational members. Αρετή (Arete) Journal of Excellence in Global Leadership . Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 21-35.
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