Arete Volume One Fall 2022
Αρετή (Arete) Journal of Excellence in Global Leadership | Vol. 1 No. 1 | 2022
4. Should the country shift its goals to develop education programs or is economic progress a key step to education? Would education provide a stronger foundation for future economic growth?
5. What steps have been accomplished in Djibouti’s Vision 2035?
6. What will come of the geothermal studies in Djibouti? Will geothermal activity continue to give Djibouti an advantage?
Conclusion This spotlight on the country of Djibouti has explored the unique advantages of strategic global positioning and geothermal activity the country can leverage to achieve sustainability toward meeting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The country’s poor socioeconomic challenges were also discussed as preventors of realizing the SDGs. Despite the challenges, the data suggest continued growth and progress which generates further questions. This is the first known study to attempt to analyze SDG implementation in the Republic of Djibouti. The researcher acknowledges many limitations including lack of resources specific to Djibouti, a lack of deep cultural insight, and a lack of knowledge of Djiboutian politics —any of which should be included in future research. Djibouti’s potential advantages are unique and intriguing, however, its challenges are not unlike small states, small island states, and post-colonial states which may benefit from this study. Developmental progress is more likely to occur in localized settings — future research should include comparative studies of localization in different countries to expand the current body of country-specific literature and the ever-expanding body of research pertaining to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and their implementation .
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