Arete Volume One Fall 2022

Αρετή (Arete) Journal of Excellence in Global Leadership | Vol. 1 No. 1 | 2022

This was developed by this author based on ideas culled from various sources and then distilled into a four-step process. Also, the mental vision of an open palm denotes caring and empathy. “P” stands for “ Pause” . Before saying or doing something that could potentially be detrimental to another person, take a moment to reflect. “A” stands for “ Ask”. During the pause, ask yourself if what you are about to say or do fosters an inclusive interaction or one that could leave the other person feeling like they do not belong. “L” stands for “ Listen & Learn”. If it is brought to your technique

Figure 5 Two Open

Palms Depicting “The P.A.L.M.

Technique” as one of Caring and Empathy 2022

Source: Author’s Illustration, Copyright 2022

attention that you have committed a slight against another person, listen without judgment. Empathize with their concern, apologize as necessary, and use it as a learning experience to change behavior for next time. “M” stands for “ Make it R ight”. Ask the other person what you can do to clean up any “mess” you made. A one -on one apology may be sufficient, or you may be asked for additional reparations. However, simply coming to the workplace (even if that workplace is a virtual meeting) with the mindset that everyone is equally valuable to the organization and deserves the same level of respect and deference can go a long way toward creating an egalitarian and meritocratic work environment for all, which can lead to higher productivity and lower turnover. This can only have a positive effect on the organization’s bottom line. Conclusion Microaggressions create toxic work environments which lead to lowered productivity, and higher turnover and cause a dearth of women and people from other non-dominant groups from reaching upper levels of management. This hurts the workforce and the organization. Therefore, it would benefit organizational leadership to foster a sense of inclusion and belonging for all employees by understanding how and why microaggressions exist so that they can be eradicated from interpersonal communication in the workplace. Instead of toxic cultures, the organization can create inclusive workplace communities with individuals who collaborate to advance the mission and vision. It only takes a willingness to understand what microaggressions are and why they are so insidious and harmful to our workplace environments. By eliminating microaggressions from interpersonal communications, employees can create a culture of inclusion and


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