Aurora Magazine 2019
church group sponsored a combined holiday birthday party at her house was a success. Two birthday cakes graced the table, one for Samuel and one for baby Jesus. How had she ever gotten by without the generosity of strangers? Yes, she had pride but she couldn’t afford it. Samuel had the basic safety, security and stabil - ity needed. And he had love. Share the love and obey rules were her mantra and Samuel wanted to share his day with baby Jesus and everyone. Samuel was outgrowing her. It was the last party where he would sit and wear funny hats and eat cake and giggle. Next year, he would want his friends or a pizza party and events that didn’t allow old faces to sit at the table. But she banished that storm of worry and vowed to enjoy today. The doorbell rang. She watched Samuel turn away be - cause he knew there was no one else coming for him. Sue Ann swung open the door. Surprise replaced her pleasure and her anger boiled. Two policemen stood on the steps along with Sam - uel’s mother and another couple. “Sorry, ma’am but they have a court order.” The officer said. “You didn’t respond to my last letter, “the woman hissed. “Who is it, grandma?” Samuel’s voice echoed down the
Pain warred with pity. Sue Ann said a quick prayer and
did the only Christian thing she knew to do. She invited them all inside. ---
A half hour later, the policemen left with cake and au - tographs for the ruse as specials guests since Samuel wanted to be a policemen. Samuel’s grandparents were an added surprise, Sue Ann decided, but it was Mom who won the spot of honor by Samuel when he blew out the candles. Two of her friends hauled her into the pantry to lecture her on rights and outrage. Sue Ann sent them home early. There 59
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