Aurora Magazine 2020


A Note From the Editor:

In your hands you hold an amazing feat – the 150th issue of the Aurora Literary Magazine . The student editors of Aurora recognize the significance of this tenure and are thrilled to continue building the magazine into something that can grow for years to come! This year has had its challenges – the Covid-19 pandemic and the push for racial justice, as well as the push back. There is no doubt that we are in the midst of the most challenging season we have faced and, as Midwesterners, that’s saying a lot. But we have a chance to respond to this tumultuous season by making sure that good art has a permanent place – a light shining in the darkness. This is what art and literature do: they amplify the cre- ative act of an individual to impact an entire community. That’s what this issue is about. I want to offer a resounding Thank You! to the entire 2019/2020 Aurora staff, as this issue would not have been possible without you. The fact that while facing a pandemic we were able to redesign and publish this year’s Aurora is a profound accomplishment. We’d also like to thank everyone who submitted their works to us. It can be scary to share a piece of your soul, but you allowed us to create a home for your art and for that we are grateful! Here’s to the next 150 years! As the great Stan Lee would say, “Excelsior!”

Alyssa E. Snively, Editor-in-Chief


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