Aurora Magazine 2020
living, feeling our hearts beat, and pushing through our daily tasks as if we were cruising to one goal: skating to the sunset. Sometimes we would get into good discussion about the future and what’s to come. Dream of our vision, our hopes, and even potential failures. One day we sat quietly until he said something I wasn’t quite expecting. “You know, I think my Dad died at the right time,”he proclaimed. “Not like I am happy about it, but if he would’ve died any sooner, I don’t think I would’ve been ready. I was forced to grow up, but I think he prepared me well to be the man I needed to be. Luckily, you have a team. Your families got you and so do I.” He was right. As much as I’ve been there for him, he was equally there for me. Bryce also by my side, just like he helped Anthony with his skating technique. Bryce had suffered immensely; losing his home, job, stopping in his last year of school, and completely altering his lifestyle from one chance outbreak. I anxiously look over my shoulder avoiding anything that could hurt me. As I think of this, I can’t help but laugh. All we have is each other and our shared pain. We skate in celebration of the simple, sweet things.
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