Final Dissertation Manual 11142023

November 2023


November 2023

Table of Contents

Contents Overview of the Dissertation Process ..................................................................................................................................... 3 Dissertation Stages.................................................................................................................................................................. 3 Stage 1: Enrollment in GL 897: Qualifying Research Seminar ............................................................................................ 3 Stage 2: Enrollment in GL 898: Dissertation Proposal Development ................................................................................. 4 Stage 3: Enrollment in GL 899: Dissertation Defense ......................................................................................................... 4 Institutional Review Board...................................................................................................................................................... 5 Dissertation Defense............................................................................................................................................................... 7 Global Leadership Component in the Dissertation................................................................................................................. 7 Checklist: Graduation and After a Successful Defense ........................................................................................................... 7 Appendix A .............................................................................................................................................................................. 9


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Overview of the Dissertation Process Ph.D. Global Leadership students will be prepared to enter the dissertation stage of their doctoral degree process once they have completed the following (please refer to the Ph.D. in Global Leadership Handbook for updated details): • Course Requirements include 18-credit hours in Global Leadership, 18-credit hours in Research, and 18-credit hours for the concentration area (Organizational Behavior and Change OR Business Administration). The last 6 hours are dedicated to the dissertation process. Students must complete all courses with a minimum 3.0 out of 4.0 GPA and maintain a 3.0 GPA throughout the program.

• Doctoral Student Publication Requirements include two doctoral student publications prior to starting the dissertation stage.

• Cultural Immersion Requirements include completion of three cultural immersions prior to graduation (virtual or in-person attendance but at least one in-person cultural immersion before graduation).

Once the above requirements are complete the doctoral student will be prepared to complete the dissertation stages.

Dissertation Stages Each dissertation must include a global leadership element. Please see the course rubrics for further details. The following dissertation stages must be completed in order as presented: Stage 1: Enrollment in GL 897: Qualifying Research Seminar (2 credit hours) 1. Course Description: This course is the culmination of the dissertation introduction and will consider the key concepts for the literature review and the proposed methodology. Students will prepare and present a qualifying research introduction to their dissertation committee in this course. Students will be required to participate in several virtual meetings to work with their dissertation committee. Prerequisite includes all Ph.D. in Global Leadership program courses prior to the dissertation courses (GL 897, 898, and 899). 2. Dissertation Committee : Selection of the dissertation committee is an essential component to the dissertation process. All doctoral committee members will hold a terminal degree. The student must choose their dissertation committee chair in the weeks leading up and prior to enrollment in GL 897. The following link provides the form to complete for the official Dissertation Chairperson Selection located on the SMWC Dissertation SharePoint page. CITI training is required to be completed and/or updated by all doctoral students and dissertation committee faculty at this stage. After the doctoral student selects the chair, then the chair and the director will select the remaining two committee members to ensure the most appropriate committee for each individual student ’ s investigation. The dissertation committee includes three members who will consist of the following: a. Dissertation Committee Chair who will oversee the dissertation includes scheduling meetings with the other committee members and serves as the point of contact to the committee for the doctoral student. The chair will oversee the entire process with the student and ensure the student produces a viable dissertation.


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b. Dissertation Committee Member- Content Expert who will serve on the dissertation committee as the content expert based on the dissertation investigation. c. Dissertation Committee Member- Method who will serve on the dissertation committee in connection with the method of research that has been selected for the investigation (qualitative, quantitative, or mixed). 3. Introductory Presentation: Students will focus on chapter one during this stage of their investigation, provide the connection of their future research to global leadership, and consider chapters two and three. Students will conclude this course by preparing an introductory presentation to be presented to the committee by the end of the term. The introduction presentation requires approval by the committee prior to moving forward with research stages two and three. Details for this introduction presentation are included in the GL 897 coursework. methodology of the student’s dissertation. Upon completion of the first three chapters of the dissertation the student will prepare a dissertation proposal and virtually defend this proposal to their dissertation committee. Upon successfully passing the proposal defense the student will work with their committee chair to apply to the SMWC Institutional Review Board in preparation of approval to conduct their research. Students will be required to participate in several virtual meetings to work with their dissertation committee. Prerequisite required includes successful completion of GL 897. 2. Proposal Presentation: The process that occurs in this stage includes, but is not limited to, the following: a. Students will focus on the completion of chapters one, two, and three during this stage in the GL 898 course. b. Upon completion of chapters one, two, and three and the development of a proposal presentation, a student will present this information to the dissertation committee during approximately Week 5 of this eight-week course [and the IRB packet]. c. Any needed changes proposed to the students by the committee are to be completed by the students and re-submitted to the committee chair no later than Week 8. d. Doctoral publication topic choice(s) during years one and two are encouraged, but not required, to support the chosen dissertation topic and subsequently can support this process so long as prior publication rules are applied (examples of approved use could be frameworks, concept maps, etc.) e. Once the committee has approved the proposal, the committee chair will lead the effort as the primary investigator to file the necessary IRB application with the student. f. GL 898 will include the rubric and requirements for the proposal. g. Students requesting a continuation and/or extension should see the Ph.D. in Global Leadership Student Handbook for more details. Stage 3: Enrollment in GL 899: Dissertation Defense (1 credit hour, 16-week) 1. Course Description: This course requires the student to work independently, yet in collaboration with their dissertation committee chair and program mentor, to conduct their research and culminate the results and conclusions toward completion of the dissertation. The SMWC Dissertation Handbook will be used as the student’s guide while they produce a final, written dissertation and create a visual and oral presentation for their defense of the dissertation to their committee (with the possibility of a larger audience). This course may be repeated by the student (2 times). Students who need more time must submit a timeline and receive approval by their committee chair and administration. Prerequisite Stage 2: Enrollment in GL 898: Dissertation Proposal Development (3 credit hours) 1. Course Description: This course is the culmination of the introduction, literature review, and


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required includes successful completion of GL 897 and GL 898. Dissertation course fee of $300 (one time fee) applies. 2. Research: Research cannot be conducted until the IRB application is approved. 3. Preparation for and Final Defense: This course includes the presentation and defense of the dissertation to the committee and a larger audience. a. Students will conduct, analyze, and complete their research during GL 899 then present their defense. b. Students will be expected to provide a fully edited and proofread, final version of their dissertation and presentation to the committee chair two weeks prior to their defense date. During those two weeks the committee chair will disseminate the materials to the committee for a final review. The doctoral student will be required to make the appropriate updates and corrections prior to the defense. Requested corrections must be completed within one week of a successful defense. c. GL 899 can be re-enrolled up to two times to provide adequate time to complete the investigation and prepare their defense. Students who need more time must submit a timeline and receive approval from their committee chairperson who will then work with administration. i. The dissertation defense, however, can only be defended one time. ii. Students requesting a continuation and/or extension should see the Ph.D. in Global Leadership Student Handbook for more details. d. See Dissertation Defense for details. Institutional Review Board The Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (SMWC) Institutional Review Board (IRB) is responsible for creating and implementing policies and procedures for the protection of human subjects involved in research. The policies and procedures are based on the Code of Federal Regulations established by the Department of Health and Human Services, Title 45- Public welfare, Part 46, Subpart A at 45 CFR 46, “Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects” (the Common Rule), (January 19, 2017). The Final Rule aims to better manage the types of research conducted and supported by all the Common Rule departments and agencies (specifically including behavioral and social science research). Facilitating the conduct of minimal risk research is one of the main purposes, as well as reflecting modernization of research. The Final Rule recognizes evolving technologies (including mobile technologies, the Internet, and the growth in computing power) have impacted modern research activities and new kinds of research have developed. Most parts of the new Final Rule took effect on January 19 th , 2019 (due to the six-month delay from the Interim Final Rule), while revisions to cooperative research and the use of single Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) will took effect January 20 th , 2020 (HHS 2018). There are many individuals within organizations that play important roles in the protection of human subjects. The purpose of the IRB is to safeguard and protect from harm those persons who volunteer to be subjects in research conducted at or sponsored by SMWC faculty, staff, or students. The IRB ensures that: risks to subjects are minimized, risks are reasonable in relation to anticipated benefits, subject selection is equitable, informed consent is documented, and data are kept confidential and safe. Any research involving human subjects must be submitted to, reviewed by, and approved by the IRB before data collection begins. Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) training is required to be completed by each doctoral student during Stage One of the dissertation process in GL 897. However, this requirement is satisfied if, at the time the doctoral student is conducting their investigation, it has been less than three years since completing CITI training. Directions and access to the CITI training can be found by clicking here.


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When a doctoral student has successfully passed all requirements in GL 897 and GL 898 then the doctoral chair will lead the effort with the doctoral student through the procedures to apply to the IRB at SMWC as follows:

1. Principle Investigators are asked to send a completed Human Subjects Review Form A, an Exempt Review Form B, Expedited Review Form C, or Limited Review Form D if applicable, consent form, flyer (if applicable), and/or other forms as required, and the CITI completion report in one file to the Chair of the IRB. If the investigator is a student, the student must have his/her/hir research advisor review and approve the proposal prior to submission to the IRB. The research proposal must be approved and submitted to the IRB by the dissertation chair/advisor/faculty . The following questions must be addressed in the materials submitted for review: a. Who are the investigators, including the faculty supervisor, for student research? b. What is the research question and what is its significance/rationale? c. When and where will the research be conducted? d. Who are the subjects and how will they be recruited and assigned to experimental groups? e. What specifically will the subjects be doing in the study? Include a copy or thorough description of the instruments and/or protocol(s). f. What level of risk is involved? Use the categories: low or minimal risk, moderate risk, or high risk. If more than minimal risk is involved, a detailed explanation of the prospect of direct benefit to the individual subjects is needed. Moderate risk might include distress or significant fatigue during the task or need for extensive debriefing or explanation due to some deception involved in the research. High risk might include potential danger or more severe levels of distress due to participation in the research. g. What procedures will be used for obtaining informed consent? How will subject confidentiality be protected? Include a copy of the consent form (and assent form for subjects under the age of 18 deemed capable of providing assent). Also, if the research includes a flyer or similar communication used for the purpose of recruiting participants, this has to be included in the proposal. h. What procedures will be used to provide feedback and/or debriefing to subjects following completion of their participation in the study? 2. The Chair of the IRB will review each proposal to confirm the appropriate level of review (exempt, limited IRB review, expedited, or full board review) as determined by the principle investigator. a. Research proposals that appear to be exempt or limited will be reviewed by the Chair of the IRB or his/her/hir designee. Research proposals meeting one or more of the categories listed on the Exempt Review Form will be exempt from further review and the investigator will be notified within ten business days of receipt of the proposal if the proposal is complete or if any other action is needed. b. Research proposals not exempt from the review process but meeting limited IRB review, or one or more of the categories for expedited review will be reviewed by the Chair of the IRB or his/her/hir designee and one additional IRB member. The investigator will be notified within ten business days of receipt of the proposal with one of the following categories of response: approved, pending changes, or disapproved (resubmit). c. Research proposals requiring full board review will be reviewed by every member of IRB. Research proposals must be approved by a majority of the IRB members. The IRB will respond in writing to the investigator within two weeks of the proposal submission’s date. with one of the


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following categories of response: approved, pending changes (resubmit) or disapproved (submit a new proposal). 3. Please do not use any personal email accounts for communication with IRB; all online communication with the IRB must be conducted using an SMWC email account Note : The Institutional Review Board accepts proposals all year long and the distribution of the proposals occurs electronically; thus, the proposals are not reviewed only during the Board’s meetings.

The Institutional Review Board process must be followed by the doctoral student in conjunction with their dissertation chair and is outlined in their website that can be found at the following link: SMWC IRB

Dissertation Defense The doctoral student will conduct, upon completing the appropriate steps and committee chair approval, the investigation and complete their dissertation writing. The doctoral student will request their committee chair to schedule a day to present their research in an in-person defense. The committee chair is responsible for scheduling the entire committee for this defense. There are three possible outcomes for the defense as follows:

(1) Full Pass (2) Pass with Corrections (3) Fail

APA 7 th edition, ProQuest, and SMWC writing guidelines must be followed (see Appendix A).

A student who successfully defends their dissertation and completed all corrections following the defense along with completion of all program requirements will have successfully completed the dissertation defense requirements for graduation. The final dissertation document and signed paperwork (the committee chair will oversee the paperwork process) must be submitted to the committee chairperson who, upon the entire committee’s approval , will submit to the Dean of the Division of Business and Leadership. Please see Appendix A for the required dissertation defense format. The dissertation defense will also include a visual presentation (PowerPoint slides or similar) to support and guide the committee members through the defense presentation (more guidelines about the presentation are discussed in GL 899). The dissertation process is ADA compliant. Any correction must be completed and approved by the committee chairperson prior to final signatures.

Global Leadership Component in the Dissertation The dissertation will include a global leadership component that is approved by the dissertation chair.

Checklist: Graduation and After a Successful Defense

❑ Apply for graduation upon successfully defending at the following link: Application for Graduate Student Graduation

❑ An email will be sent to you from the Ph.D. in Global Leadership Director with additional details about ordering your doctoral garb to be worn during graduation. This purchase is required to participate in graduation and at the cost of the student.


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❑ Complete the Ph.D. in Global Leadership Doctoral Student Exit Survey located on the SMWC Dissertation SharePoint Page

❑ Request a lifetime email address for SMWC from the Office of Information Technology by completing the form at the following link: Lifetime Email Request Form

❑ E-mail your dissertation chairperson the final professionally proofread electronic copy of your dissertation in a Microsoft Word file after you have made any required updates after your successful defense. The document will receive one final review of grammatical or formatting errors. If errors are found, you will be asked to make updates within one week of receiving the response email. ❑ Convert your dissertation file to a PDF in preparation to submit to ProQuest. After you have completed the edits and re-submitted to your dissertation chair you will receive a confirmation email to proceed with the dissertation publication. An email will be sent to you from the Ph.D. in Global Leadership Director with the link and steps to submit to ProQuest. ❑ Set up your ProQuest account. Part of this process is choosing Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College as your degree granting institution who has also paid for your copyright. If you choose the traditional publishing option, there is no publishing fee.

❑ Apply for an ORCID ID to track your future publications and consider registering for Arete: Journal of Excellence in Global Leadership for future publication submissions.

❑ After the above steps have been completed, you will upload your PDF file to ProQuest within 15 days of graduation. This date may alter your defense date, please work with your dissertation chair. Note: If you do not submit your dissertation on time, your graduation may be delayed.

❑ Contact the SMWC Librarian to publish your dissertation in Woods Scholar*

❑ Complete the Global Mindset Inventory post-assessment.

❑ Attend an optional webinar on how to publish from your dissertation hosted by the Ph.D. in Global Leadership program.

*Note: Typically published documents can only be aligned with one publisher, however, since Woods Scholar is an internal SMWC publication, the dissertation can be published in both ProQuest and Woods Scholar.


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Appendix A

Please visit the following link to download the Dissertation Template with Rubric: Click Here for the Dissertation Template


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