Final Dissertation Manual September 2022
September 2022
a. Dissertation Committee Chair who will oversee the dissertation includes scheduling meetings with the other committee members and serves as the point of contact to the committee for the doctoral student. The chair will oversee the entire process with the student and ensure the student produces a viable dissertation. b. Dissertation Committee Member- Content Expert who will serve on the dissertation committee as the content expert based on the dissertation investigation. c. Dissertation Committee Member- Method who will serve on the dissertation committee in connection with the method of research that has been selected for the investigation (qualitative, quantitative, or mixed). 3. Introductory Presentation: Students will focus on chapter one during this stage of their investigation, provide the connection of their future research to global leadership, and consider chapters two and three. Students will conclude this course by preparing an introductory presentation to be presented to the committee by the end of the term. The introduction presentation requires approval by the committee prior to moving forward with research stages two and three. Details for this introduction presentation are included in the GL 897 coursework. methodology of the student’s dissertation. Upon completion of the first three chapters of the dissertation the student will prepare a dissertation proposal and virtually defend this proposal to their dissertation committee. Upon successfully passing the proposal defense the student will work with their committee chair to apply to the SMWC Institutional Review Board in preparation of approval to conduct their research. Students will be required to participate in several virtual meetings to work with their dissertation committee. Prerequisite required includes successful completion of GL 897. 2. Proposal Presentation: The process that occurs in this stage includes, but is not limited to, the following: a. Students will focus on the completion of chapters one, two, and three during this stage in the GL 898 course. b. Upon completion of chapters one, two, and three and the development of a proposal presentation, a student will present this information to the dissertation committee during approximately Week 5 of this eight-week course [and the IRB packet]. c. Any needed changes proposed to the students by the committee are to be completed by the students and re-submitted to the committee chair no later than Week 8. d. Doctoral publication topic choice(s) during years one and two are encouraged, but not required, to support the chosen dissertation topic and subsequently can support this process so long as prior publication rules are applied (examples of approved use could be frameworks, concept maps, etc.) e. Once the committee has approved the proposal, the committee chair will lead the effort as the primary investigator to file the necessary IRB application with the student. f. GL 898 will include the rubric and requirements for the proposal. g. Students requesting a continuation and/or extension should see the Ph.D. in Global Leadership Student Handbook for more details. Stage 3: Enrollment in GL 899: Dissertation Defense (1 credit hour, 8-week or 16-week) 1. Course Description: This course requires the student to work independently, yet in collaboration with their dissertation committee chair and program mentor, to conduct their research and culminate the results and conclusions toward completion of the dissertation. The SMWC Dissertation Handbook will Stage 2: Enrollment in GL 898: Dissertation Proposal Development (3 credit hours) 1. Course Description: This course is the culmination of the introduction, literature review, and
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