OA-FALL 2023
Eva Gankiewicz Merkel ’83, Ed.D., Frances Murphy Rumely Award recipient with husband Glenn.
Continuing the story… REUNION 2023 By Elizabeth Reel ‘21, Content Marketing Manager STORIES CONTINUE.. Sara Ketenbrink Williams ’48 celebrating her 75th Reunion with two daughters and her granddaughter.
King, Ph.D., former president of SMWC, shared a message that stuck with her throughout the weekend on the true meaning of being a member of The Woods family. “The stories of The Woods don’t end with Mother Theodore. Through the years, the stories have kept going. Whether you’re part of one of the really big classes from the 60s or a part of one of the smaller classes in later years, your experience of The Woods was
your experience of The Woods, and you have stories to tell about it. I’ve heard so many of those stories. They’ve informed me about the fiber of this institution. I’ve retold the stories. I’ve borrowed from them. I’ve learned from them. I’ve been inspired by them. On days when it’s hard, I’ve remembered them. All of those stories are our stories,” King said during the banquet. Throughout the weekend, alums enjoyed events and activities. Le Fer
Reunion is a weekend to which so many Woodsies look forward. Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (SMWC) welcomed more than 200 alumni and guests from 26 states and Australia to Reunion 2023 in June. The campus took on a particular excitement and energy as alums celebrated the friendships, legacy and traditions that make The Woods a place like no other. Dottie L.
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