Onyx Anneau Fall 2021

The College expands its mission to become fully coeducational in all programs, ending 175 years as a women’s college. A nursing program launches with a full cohort, and fundraising goals are met for the first time in nearly a decade.

The College expands from a 67-acre campus to 311 acres; and the Saint Mary-of-the- Woods Historic District is named to the National Register of Historic Places.

The WED program officially becomes Woods Online.


SMWC opens with in- person classes during the COVID-19 pandemic and continues without incident throughout the year, following strict pandemic protocols.


The Aspire Higher Strategic Plan launches to address enrollment growth, academic program expansion and capital project renovation and building.



The WED Program becomes coeducational, changes name to Woods External Degree Program.

The Jeanne Knoerle Sports and Recreation Center opens and the 8th new sport, women’s volleyball, is added.

SMWC announces highest enrollment since 1969 in the campus program. Les Bois Hall opens as the first new residence and dining hall in nearly 100 years. Men’s basketball is set to begin its inaugural season, making it the 15th new sport.





The patient toilers one by one have passed, Their noble courses run, forsooth, too fast; But one by one the places have been filled All hearts by fond traditions have been thrilled. The old St. Mary’s and the new united, The loved ones gone behold in form delighting; From heavn’ly heights with joyous pride they see The spreading branches of the sturdy tree.

From Les Bois, 1915, “Tribute of Years” in celebration of the institution’s Diamond Jubilee 75th year (1840-1915)


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