Onyx Anneau Fall 2021

Take a Seat!

At Reunion 2021 President King announced plans to renovate the Conservatory’s auditorium as a tribute to Marie Brendan Harvey, SP, ’51 . Alumni from music, theatre, madrigals, choral and more have been invited to help SMWC reach the $500,000 project goal. The response has been inspiring with $396,000 in gifts, pledges and grants secured as of August 2021. Join us as we enhance the student experience by returning the auditorium to its glory! Thanks to a $50,000 Historic Preservation Fund (HPF) grant from the Indiana Department of Natural Resources Division of Historic Preservation and Archeology, initial renovations


Last year’s record-breaking support of The Woods is celebrated in our Honor Roll of Donors. Please visit smwc.edu/ giving/honor-roll-donors to find your name among those who have given so generously. All annual and lifetime giving societies will be included, as well as the Legacy Guild, Aspire Higher Society — Le Fer Hall and gifts made in memory or honor of loved ones. Woods Fund Class Gift donors will once again be celebrated by class year. NEW IN 2021: Legacy Ring Circle: Donors who have given their Woods Rings to SMWC to be awarded to a current student with financial need. Aspire Higher Society—Conservatory: Donors who joined the Take A Seat initiative supporting the renovation of the Conservatory.

will be underway as early as this fall with masonry rehabilitation at the front entrance. Immediate plans include upgrading the lighting in the entrance corridor to LED as well as revealing the beautiful proscenium front wall. Future renovations will include: • restoring the seats, • installing LED lighting throughout the auditorium, • adding aisle carpet and lighting, • providing ADA accessible seating options, • renovating public restrooms, • and repairing the plaster and paint. Gifts may be made online or by contacting Advancement at 800-769-0013. Take A Seat donors will be recognized at the following levels:

Front Row Donor……. $5,000 House Row Donor…… $2,500

4-Seat Donor…………. $1,000 Seat Donor…………… $ 300


With its original 108-year-old elevators still in use, the College is in the midst of raising $420,000 to update the freight elevator in Guerin Hall. This upgrade will enable SMWC to better utilize the top three floors of the building by meeting the needs of today’s students, faculty and staff, as well as current ADA standards. An alumna and her husband have graciously stepped forward to offer a challenge match of up to $100,000 if the College can secure gifts totaling $320,000 to complete the project. Donors of $1,000 or more will be recognized and will receive a stone paver along the Guerin Porch.

For more information about Aspire Higher Campaign capital projects such as the Conservatory, Le Fer Hall or the Guerin Elevator visit smwc.edu/giving/aspire-higher-campaign/ . Gifts may be made online or by contacting the Advancement Office at 888-769-0013 to make a gift or get involved.


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