Onyx Anneau Fall 2021

Jane Stewart Wilcox has met someone at The Villages, FL, that had also lost his spouse and “we have developed a relationship that is solid, fun and filled with laughter.” Jane continues to work part time at a local jewelry store, plays golf and does water aerobics and whatever makes for a fun and active life. Bring it on 2021! Margaret “Kim” Harrison worked from home for the Arkansas Community Foundation, Arkansas’ COVID-19 Relief donation site. Through donations and scheduling, Kim assisted organizations, etc. and schools with grants nearing $3 million. When PPE demand was high and supply short, volunteers made masks for K-12, delivering +1,000, to 3 school districts! On a day off, Kim volunteers at the Humane Society, adopted a dog in need for her German Shepherd after the loss of her older lab. Judith “Judy” Ryan Tribble says we’ve aged well for 45 years! As class agent, she reminds us to make a pledge to The Woods on “Giving Day,” understanding “the amount given is secondary to the participation percentage.” Grants are awarded more on alumni activity. Judy says, “God bless you all, and thanks for your continued loyalty to our beloved Woods!” Victoria “Vicki” Weinert Yunker and Rick are “Back Home Again in (Greenwood) Indiana”! Emily moved from DC, and with Tom, Becca and boys just 20 minutes away, Vicki and Rick’s new home fills with family. Seeing Joann “Joey” Tomer Weaver is easier too! For Holly Hilton D’Amour , Rich survived COVID 19, with no residual effects. Holly lost two cousins to COVID and another to cancer and Rich’s mother died in February 2020. Our sympathies. But there was good too. Two weddings, Rich retired, a new home in Asheville, NC, where they look forward to the area’s beauty and meeting other “transplants.” And Holly’s dog, Enzo, won his first agility title! Holly and Vicki both quoted Dickens, “2020, ‘It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.’” Donna Witte Murphy says, “We are holding C L A S S N O T E S

steady at seven grandchildren, all age 7 and under!” Dan retires in 2021. Donna hope he finds a hobby to match her love for adult coloring books! They’re both looking forward to making up for lost 2020 trips. “That’s the full report from Middletown, Ohio.” Mary McAuliffe Barnstead (Indy) and Joe both retired before COVID hit! Their family is safe working from home or teaching. “Grammy” and “Pa’s” two grandsons are local and available for them to perform their most favorite of jobs, upon request! Since retiring, Mary has taken up walking. She’s dropped weight and taken up collecting “virtual medals” by walking “virtual runs” around the world! Suellen King Coleman and her husband both had COVID. His was bad, but Suellen, asymptomatic. They celebrated Feb. 2, 2021, going to Dodger Stadium for vaccinations, along with 7,700 others. Suellen retired from UCLA, again. While on recall these last two summers, staff and profs kept asking why she was working when they’d gone to her retirement party. For 2021, they hope to travel as planned!! In 2019, Marian Scully Elzen moved to Brighton, CO! She lives right by her mother and Joan, her sister and her daughter live in Colorado Springs. Marian’s helping with virtual schooling, being grateful for her ED major. And she loves being able to get out of the house and hike during this COVID time! Mary Reagan Bishop and John are still working with retirement on Mary’s mind. The kids and their families have worked through most of COVID. Rob, and wife moved to Boston. A distance, but they are happy. Three of five grandkids are in school in person, one on the hybrid plan and one is only 18 months. Mary says, “John and I just want winter to be over so we can get the RV out again.” Bernedette “Berny” Newland Heitzman has grandbaby #5! Nash Alexander Carpenter was born on October, 5, 2020, to Lauren and Al, in

Vail, CO. As excited as they are, she wishes the kids weren’t so far away. But they are happy and healthy and working, thankful for all their blessings. Berny is looking forward to seeing everyone as soon as possible!! Lynn O’Linski and I ( Linda Snyder-Lundstrom ) each started a Facebook page (at different times). Lynn’s is, SMWC class of ‘76 and friends . Mine is, St Mary-of the-Woods College Class of 1976 . Most of us are on one or the other or both, but Lynn is more involved with the Woods so hers will have more information. If you are not on either, check it out. It’s a good way to keep up on each other. Thanks Lynn!! As for myself ( Linda Snyder-Lundstrom ), Matt broke his ankle in May. With that and my back problems, we decided a 3-story house wasn’t in our best interest anymore. Luckily, we bought a newly built, one level!! We miss our 1.5 acres, but not the $400 electric bill. All else is well, kids and grandkids. Except Reed (age 6). He misses our old house. “It had stairs.” Jane Ternes Francis loves living in St. Louis. She is near her two sons and granddaughters, ages 6 and 3. Jane lost her father in 2020, of natural causes, shy of his 95th birthday. You have our sympathies, Jane. She is getting lots of projects done around the house, even cleaning out closets! Go Jane! She is looking forward to our reunion in May! As for me, Nancy Von der Schmidt Primus and

Roy go, it’s been an eventful year. Roy retired in March 2020, with no fanfare due to COVID. We moved to Williamsburg, VA, though still have our NY house to work on. “The Money Pit” comes to mind. At least Roy has projects to keep him busy. Having him home is an adjustment! I certainly hope we get to have a reunion. I need to get out of the house! Thanks to all that wrote! Hopefully we will have seen each other at Reunion 2021! Who do you know? This fall is the perfect time to be thinking about your fellow alumni. Someone you know deserves to be recognized for their service to others and accomplishments. Nominate them for an award. The awards program of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College honors the achievements of outstanding alumni and friends by presenting prestigious awards annually. These awards recognize individuals for their commitment to the College and to their communities. Nominations are being accepted for the Distinguished Alumni Award, Saint Mother Theodore Guerin Award, Frances Murphy Rumely Award and the G.O.L.D.E.N. Oak Award. Deadline for nominations is Jan. 31, 2022. Nomination forms may be found online. smwc.edu/nominatealumni


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