Onyx Anneau President's Report 2020

Because students couldn’t participate in the traditional Midnight Breakfast, Pomeroy Care Packages were sent to students during finals week.

JUNE Enzley Mitchell IV, Ph.D. was announced as the first men’s basketball coach in Woods history. Mitchell is versed in growing basketball programs and will be a fundamental part of the team.

MAY While perspective students

couldn’t go to campus to register, a virtual registration day was held. Students and parents were able to meet with College employees to take their next step in education.

As students were disrupted from their norm, SMWC distributed $319,000 in cash grants to all campus- based students as part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security or CARES Act.

After establishing protocols, admissions and financial aid employees were able to meet with incoming students for an in-person registration event.

The Avenue to Reopening Plan allowed for students to come back in-person for the fall semester. This plan was created by the COVID-19 Taskforce.

DECEMBER Students and employees were able to decorate the Christmas tree in the Guerin Rotunda. However, to keep from having large crowds, the annual Blessing of the Christmas Tree was done virtually.

The College made history by breaking ground on a new residence and dining hall . This will be in addition to Le Fer Hall and will provide 92 beds in suite-style rooms.

We can all use some love from a golden retriever. Sadie, a certified therapy dog , joined the staff at The Woods to visit students and bring a calm presence.

JULY The traditional nurse pinning ceremony was held with friends and family. Although it was not held in the Church like usual, being able to hold the pinning was meaningful to nursing graduates.

Shifting from the norm, Commencement and Ring Day (for graduates) were held in-person allowing for physical distancing. Although these events were late due to the pandemic, they were not forgotten.

AUGUST The Avenue welcome for in-coming students was a success! Students and their families had staggered times to move in to keep everyone safe.


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