Onyx Anneau Spring 2021

Madeleine Walsh Sullivan revealed a fun story of ‘back in the day” RHIT adventures and a list of “wonder what we gregarious folks will do first, and when” to add to my repertoire of adventures — and non-adventures. Catherine “Cathy” Cunningham looks forward to an ASAP cross-country road trip, to her New York family and eager to ‘take back’ that interrupted Florida fun time from March 2020. She sent a glorious all the blended family together photo “taken the summer before COVID, in beautiful Waupaca, Wisconsin.” Inspired financial leadership by Kathleen “Rys” Ryan Dougherty , “to light my own little candle in the midst of the pandemic, economic crisis, and protests against social injustice’ initiated the George Floyd Memorial Scholarship. She and our classmates Catherine “Cathy” Cunningham , Mary “Bobbie” Barrett , and Barbara Roguski Mandal were recognized by Dr. Dottie King, SMWC President. “This scholarship serves as a symbol of the College’s commitment to diversity. The scholarship serves as a perpetual reminder of the value we place on social justice and creating a diverse and inclusive world.” King noted. Our generous, diligent Class Agents Mary “Bobbie” Barrett , Barbara Martin Fossum and Elizabeth “Betty” Borders McAndrews personally have noted the particularly challenging impacts of COVID on the Sisters of Providence. Successful 2021 Woods Giving Day fundraising by our class will honor the SP community as “a way of expressing love and gratitude” and with recognition and appreciation of what we learned from the Sisters of Providence. Check out the Sisters of Providence website and certainly our own (https:// www.smwc.edu) and (https://spsmw.org) for live streams of events, celebrations and updates about our Class of 65 Palindrome 56 Reunion Mary “Peggy” Smith Bodt wrote that she and Jack “Enjoy the simple pleasures of life, still splitting our time between Michigan and Arizona. Luckily, we’re healthy and able to hike and bike to stay active. We can’t visit our kids or grandkids now so we have to be satisfied with Zoom connections for the time being. The name of the game this year is patience!” This note from Karen Taylor Dabney gave me a happy and oh so very empathetically shared giggle: “In regards to your post, I don’t lead a very interesting life!! Hope all is well with you. Stay safe and healthy. Wish I could give you some exciting news...feeling hopeful. “To which I replied, “Feeling hopeful is exciting enough for these times!! Thanks, y’all for collections of holiday letters, cards, emails, posts to our www.smwc1965.org Class site and a good number of phone calls-- well beyond the 50 words per alum limits imposed on our reports. There’s a postcard out that says we might possibly anticipate our #56 Palindrome Reunion for the Class of 65. Barbara Martin Fossum wrote: Recently police came to the house saying our panic button went off multiple times. This surprised us because we hardly remembered where it was. Later that day, Vern found our panic button outside, chewed up. Vern had knocked it off the wall. Our 11-month-old pandemic mini golden doodle got it. We assured C L A S S N O T E S

“Judy” White Stoffel just before Christmas. Gaines Chapman Chastain, the husband of Gail Holland Chastain , died June 9, 2019. She is well but learning to cope with bills and all the things he always took care of. She is thankful they had a 50th anniversary trip to Alaska. She now has four children, seven grandchildren and two great granddaughters! Virginia “Gay” Morrison McHugh wrote from Greenwood, South Carolina, that she has retired after years in educational administration. She now teaches an introductory education class at the university and supervises three student teachers. Gay and husband Tom are enjoying nine grands and building a “tiny house” connected to their daughter’s home. Wayne and Susan “Sue” Eichmuller Hamilton have “cleaned out drawers and closets multiple times” and enjoyed lots of golf. Sue continues to facilitate Adult Faith Formation for their church. Their grandchildren (Lexie-20 and Zach-18) provide fun involvement in their lives. Sheila Kelley Smock and John now live full time in South Carolina. Two of their children with families live nearby. They have “12 perfect grandchildren, unlike our children.” Sheila (and many of you) shared her hopes for a spring Reunion. Mike and Carol Kobar Moulton are “in good health for our ages – no joint replacements and still can walk and get around. By the time you get this we will have had our vaccine shots.” Their daughter Lizze is expecting a son in March! Many new adventures for 2021! Nora Hilger McGowan loves her 15 years of living in Tucson with the desert, sunsets, mountains and dear friends. She has two sons with families in Chicago and a daughter and family in Washington, D.C. Jeanne McGrath Anastasi writes that her daughter and family live close so they have safely gathered during the pandemic. She has enjoyed a variety of virtual classes: Yale’s The Science of Well Being, a weekly New York City book group, and an Epiphany retreat, Wise Women Also Came. She sends blessings to all of us “wise women!” In fall 2018, Bonita “Bonnie” Liosi Stevens spent vacation time in Arizona with Ann “Patti” Sharrer Bokermann , Barbara Dieter Momper , Rita McGrath Mayer , Mary Anne Lightner Kowalski , Anne-Marie “Nene” Markosky Bouteiller , Winikay Toomey Reese , Maureen McDonnell Silhasek , and Cathy Murphy . Mike and Bonnie are healthy and staying close to home in Florida, looking forward to receiving the vaccine. Roger and Anne-Marie “Nene” Markosky Bouteiller are home in Connecticut with son Matt, family, daughter Kate, and family nearby. Nene and Ann “Patti” Sharrer Bokermann manage an occasional outdoor lunch. Nene voices all our hopes for a May Reunion, but “if not, let’s plan for 2022!” Since our last report, Sheila McBride Beaupre is doing very well, despite breaking her left arm at the surgical neck and having two knee surgeries, one a total knee replacement. Her husband Glenn is on his second year of treatment for a rare skin cancer and has just been diagnosed with cancer

’66 Mary Holtz Hathorn 2155 Buttercup St Erie, CO 80516 mahathorn@msn.com sunny/dreary day at The Woods but a lot is going on here. Can hardly wait for you all to come if we have a reunion in the spring. You will be pleased I think with the new dining hall/residence nestled in between Le Fer Hall and the Sisters of Providence Administration building. I think you also will enjoy visiting the Knoerle Center. We received Christmas 2020 greetings from Tom and Joyce Bates Waters , Bob and Jo Ann Surmont Hribernik , Kathleen “Kathy” Flynn Schmidt , Wayne and Susan Eichmuller Hamilton , Ron and Kathleen “Kathy” Dunne Alexis , Gus and Nancy Kuzmich Hillenbrand , Bill and Carol Burger Schuler , Bob and Billie DeBeck Brunsman , Glenn and Sheila McBride Beaupre , and Melissa Crider Andrea ! Thanks to all! Such a year we have just survived! And with the grace and patience blessed to us by God, we have survived it and thrived despite the numerous restrictions and inconveniences. My “bubble” of children, spouses, and five grands has connected when safe and maintained good health through Zoom, in-person and virtual school, and frequent phone calls. I have attended virtual Mass, completed numerous jigsaw puzzles, and read a plethora of novels. The address you see above will be good through 2021 and then I hope to be moving. Kathy Robinson Goldstein wrote, “As for me, the ovarian cancer has not returned, and I am grateful. I now live only seven miles from my daughter Elana. I have fantastic doctors here. My granddaughter Lorelai is almost eight and is quite a girl! Tennessee is beautiful. It has been an adjustment for a woman from Los Angeles.” Diane Mikol Cunningham enjoyed Zoom holiday gatherings. Her organizations and Jazzercise were active on Zoom and Vimeo. Three grandsons are in college, one is a senior in high school and her granddaughter is a high school sophomore. She and Jack spent most of the summer enjoying weekends at his home on Muskegon Lake. Margaret “Peggy” Varro Koegler informed us: “My husband Bob passed away on Father’s Day from a short bout with lung cancer caused by exposure to Agent Orange while in Vietnam. All four children and two granddaughters were with him as he passed. Life is changed and how we approach that change is up to us with the support of family and friends.” Annette McMullen’s husband Lynn kept busy all summer with his garden and her with the canning. She feels “at a loss about why I can’t get everything done that I want to do, let alone the housekeeping and laundry chores that I really don’t want to do.” They managed a brief visit with Judith everyone we were fine; our dog was pushing the button. We adopted him (Archie) in April. He is the greatest stress reliever we could have found. And as I click, save and send, I’ll quote Cathleen “Cathy” Campbell, SP : “Today is a partially


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