Onyx Anneau Spring 2021
Cheryl Van Zetten is mourning the loss of her brother, Blair, who passed away from sudden cardiac arrest on Jan. 18, 2021, at age 68. The recent marriage of Ann Stephens Gries to Mike Worralls was uplifting news for all of us Evansville, Indiana gals. Jo Ann Reitz shared progress regarding her sister Diana’s girls. Niece Sarah is working part time at Children’s Hospital in Denver plus training as Nurse Practitioner. Niece Lainie heads to Denver for her “clinicals” in occupational therapy; she also has a chance to further her OT training in Ecuador, South America. Patricia Ryan O’Neill experienced a heart- breaking loss in November. Just as she and Shane began vacation, word came from home that their dog had been attacked by another dog and died. Sweet “Sharona” was irreplaceable. However, we are glad they have welcomed new puppy “Pooky” to help them laugh again. Midge Maroni is close to finishing her new home construction; being in regular contact with her ‘emotional pit crew’ Ellen Morley Matthews and Patricia “PJ” Gubbins Stilz has helped. Midge has made environment-friendly building decisions such as installing a solar-array electric- system. Midge may return to substitute teaching in the fall depending upon the status regarding the pandemic. Ellen Morley Matthews taught a class at an adult services center, Saving Money on Everyday Expenses, and in August 2018 agreed to become business manager for the organization. Ellen continues to do that work. Ellen is in regular contact with Judith “Judy” Garvey who is keeping very busy with her six grand girls, especially when she helps to provide homeschooling during this pandemic. Christine “Chris” Roenitz started 2020 with lots of volunteering and a Viking cruise down the Amazon River. While on the cruise Chris’s condo received a major face-lift. An avid world traveler, Chris has exceeded her goal of spending at least three days in 100 countries. Chris says that golf and her prayer life have gotten her through some health issues and COVID. Jane O’Brien Argento’s sixth grandchild was born in March 2020, in Amsterdam, Netherlands, where her parents have lived for three years. The pandemic cancelled their trip, disappointing Jane and Phil’s hope to meet Isobel and celebrate Crispin becoming a father. They also long to reunite with their family in Oregon. Patricia “PJ” Gubbins Stilz says “Righting wrongs with written rhymes, It is what I do during these times, A radio show called Twin Spins, In March maybe another begins, There are daily walks at the dog park, With my dog Quinn we so embark.” Kathryn “Kate” Evans Creamer shared that she moved and has a new address. She also has a new grandson, Jimmy Martin, who just turned 5-years-old. Cheryl Van Zetten , we are so sorry for the loss of your brother, Blair. We also sympathize with the damage caused by water leaks and the inconvenience of moving out (eight months!) while C L A S S N O T E S
it was gutted and repaired! Although COVID interrupted her world travels and wintering in Scottsdale, Arizona, Cheryl plans to catch a plane overseas as soon as the world opens up. After receiving a welcome call from Susan Hajicek Connolly recently, Cheryl says Susan, Midge, Ellene and Chris all hope to attend Reunion in 2023. Marcella “Marci” Hermesdorf, OP , is finishing her last year in the English Department at Dominican University in River Forest, Illinois. In March 2020, she learned “online teaching” in ten days and taught two hybrid classes this spring. This last semester, one course has face-to-face teaching--her favorite modality! She volunteers as liturgy planner, lector and Eucharistic minister at her parish. Marci and I agree on our two favorite downtime activities: enjoying book club and binge-watching British TV — especially murder mysteries! Ella Joan Fenoglio confirms that her heart is more efficient and working less hard. She walks 5,000 or 10,000 steps around her neighborhood. Court hearings, environmental meetings and Landmark courses are all online. Her inspiration: seeing adoptive parents giving foster children a forever family. Her travel plans: visiting family in California, her sister Ruthie in Indianapolis and brother Gino in Texas… “And two weeks in Italy!” Mary McBride Knueven and husband Al were spending the winter in Fort Myers, Florida, and reported feeling fine and healthy. However, because of COVID quarantines, Mary’s daughter Julie and husband had left their home in Bali, Indonesia, and were staying in Brownsburg, Indiana. It was disappointing for Mary that Julie was that close but they could not enjoy visiting in person. When Steve and I were in Tokyo in 2006, we often saw residents/Japanese wearing masks and learned that it became part of their “culture of consideration” after the 2002 SARS outbreak. I’ve sewed a few masks for family-and purchased some that fit better. Stay safe! Reading the “Letters of Mother Theodore Guerin” led Midge Maroni to write the inspiring class appeal letter we received in May 2020, but she credits Ellen Morley Matthews for facilitating the production and mailing. Thanks to both of you for promoting our annual Woods Fund! ’69 Karen Erazmus McNeal 66 S Country Squire Rd Palos Heights, IL 60463-1227 karen.mcneal@comcast.net It’s been two years now since we had our Golden Reunion. It was wonderful to reminisce about our younger days, renew old friendships, and see the competent contributing women our classmates have become since we left The Woods fifty years ago. A few years ago, several of us celebrated our 70th birthdays at The Woods Reunion. Our 75th will be coming up for many of us in 2022. Maybe a great way to celebrate together would be to attend the Reunion in 2022. Let us all think about making some plans. After being
distanced from so many family and friends with the pandemic, it would be nice to spend time with each other and celebrate a life made richer by our days at The Woods. In spite of the isolating situation this past year and limited traveling, many of our classmates have kept busy pursuing new interests, working remotely, and keeping in contact with family and friends. Margaret “Marge” Hanson Sleght is part of a walking group. Her daily walks are a nice chance to socialize. She is happy to report that her family and friends are all well and have remained free of COVID-19. She really missed her annual summer visit with Mary Anne Walker Rahm in Cape May. Hopefully they can reinstitute this tradition in 2021. Barbara “Barb” Wahnsiedler Klein and her husband Rich have been staying pretty much in the house, following pandemic protocols. Her job ended last March, but Rich has been one of the essential workers at a grocery store. They are both looking at the vaccine as a saving grace since they lost some family and friends. Therese Connor Benken had a pretty rough year medically – pneumonia in January, vertigo in April/May, new right knee in June, vertigo again in October, and a chemical heart stress test in December. Her youngest daughter who is Type 1 diabetic did have COVID-19 over Thanksgiving, but fortunately, no one else in the family did. Therese is still substitute teaching between everything and looking forward to a healthy 2021. Nancy Butler Bruck has been doing a lot of cooking, baking bread, and reading. She has been subbing at some branch libraries, but she does enjoy staying home. She misses getting together with the Cincinnati Lunch Bunch once a month. Her oldest daughter’s family gave Nancy a year adoption of Providence Tracy Dawn, a beautiful alpaca from the herd at the White Violet Center. Ellen Gildea Douglas began 2020 with a fun visit to Tucson, Arizona, with Suzanne Sainz Bouwens and her husband Jerry who were celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. Life “inside” took on new meaning for Ellen when she was diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer in late May 2020. Early detection, a lumpectomy in July, followed by radiation in September and prayers from family and friends helped Ellen to embrace the beauty, remembering what her sister Janet taught her during her cancer battle. Suzanne Sainz Bouwens and husband also celebrated their March 14 anniversary with her sister, Debbie, brother Ken and son Scott. Their son made a special orange and white cake, the colors from Suzanne’s wedding. She is so grateful that Ellen and others related to our class have beat their cancer. Marylin Seibert Leinenbach submitted her retirement papers and will be officially retired at the end of the spring semester, May 31, 2021. She has been teaching for 49 years and will have the title Professor Emerita. Both Marylin and her husband Larry are doing well. Darlene Skibinski Marchina and her husband has been adjusting to the new “normal,” staying home and staying safe. They have not been
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