Onyx Fall-Winter 2018
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods C o l l e g e NEWS FOR ALUMNI AND FRIENDS
Vol. 93
No. 2
Kristy Fry Editor/Designer Director of Creative Services
Sue Weatherwax Designer/Photographer Associate Director of Creative Services Dianne Frances D. Powell Marketing and Communications Specialist
Dee Reed ’08 Executive Director of Marketing and Communications Karen Dyer Vice President for Advancement
President Dottie L. King, Ph.D., joined Reunion 2018 participants for the annual Walk in The Woods.
Catherine Saunders ’98 Associate Vice President for Advancement
President’s Message
Susan Turner ’14G Senior Director of Advancement and Alumni Relations Heather Tighe Assistant Director of Advancement Services
I recently looked up the meaning of the term, legacy. According to Merriam- Webster, legacy is a gift of money or other personal property that’s granted with terms – often a substantial gift that needs to be properly managed. At first the definition didn’t conform to my thoughts of legacy, especially at Saint Mary-of- the-Woods College, but with more thought, it became more and more perfect! The legacy of sacrificial women leaving their homeland with a mission of faith and a commitment to education and the ensuing years of devotion, forward thinking and persistence is our legacy. It is a substantial gift that has been made to us and needs to be properly managed, cultivated and cared for. This edition of Onyx highlights our honoring of alumni and celebration of our reunion classes alongside move-in day this year - legacy. As you are reading stories of our students and alums, I challenge you to ponder your own Woods legacy. How will your life contribute to the legacy of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College? What is different about the work you do because of the legacy you inherited? What gifts will you leave for future generations? Building a future for a college with such a rich and significant past is both our responsibility and privilege. Having vision of the effect we want to have on the world will help us identify the actions necessary to achieve it. Thank you for your commitment to the legacy of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College!
Contributors: Lindsey Richardt ’07
Leah R. Singer Tiffany Stroud
Please send correspondence to: Office of Advancement P.O. Box 70 Saint Mary of the Woods, IN 47876-0070 Phone: (812) 535-5270 Fax: (812) 535-5245 E-mail: alumni@smwc.edu
© 2018 by Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College
Printed in the U.S.A. All rights reserved.
Dottie L. King, Ph.D. President Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College
Every effort has been made to ensure that all information contained in this Onyx is accurate.
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