Onyx Fall-Winter 2019

Photo by Carl Bender

President Dottie L. King, Ph.D., and husband Wayne King ’14G along with members of the SMWC family enjoyed a Rhine Getaway on Viking Longship Eir June 14-21, 2019. Alumni and friends explored castles and cathedrals throughout Europe, from Amsterdam and Cologne to Basel, during the 8-day journey.


Summer flew by, and we are well into another academic year. I continue to count our blessings as small, private colleges struggle to remain relevant and operating in today’s world. Nearly 50 have closed since 2016 and most of those had a faith component to their mission. Our God of Providence has continued to meet our needs as we respond to the educational, emotional and spiritual requirements of our students. So many of our blessings have come from you, and we are so grateful. Just as Saint Mother Theodore fulfilled the needs of students in her day by creating an academy in these rural woods of Indiana, we follow in her steps by responding to the necessities of our generation. We accomplish this in creation of services on our campus and in consideration of majors that we offer. I often ponder the stories that will be shared among future generations of Woods students about our faithfulness during these times. We are excited to not only be growing in numbers, but even more to be growing in our faith and confidence for the future. We will soon announce the second phase of our strategic plan, Aspire EVEN Higher. There are so many possibilities before us, and these Woods continue to be filled with unrealized potential.

Dottie L. King, Ph.D. President Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College


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