Onyx Spring-Summer 2018
The Alumni Association hosted the fourth Week of Service April 14-21, 2018. Alumni, faculty, staff and students participated in over 40 service projects held across the country. From collecting clothing, feeding the poor, cleaning statues, counting books for distribution to kids, painting, collecting crock pots and recipes for single moms to cleaning up campus and more — there was a wide-variety of service activities completed. The Woods is truly making a difference! L to R: Wheeler Mission in Indianapolis; Fellowship Missions Homeless Shelter, Warsaw, Ind.; St. Roch Catholic School, Indianapolis; United Way of the Wabash Valley, Terre Haute, Ind.; Seaton Harvest, Evansville, Ind.; St. John's Catholic Church Religious Education, Coggon, Iowa; St. Vincent de Paul Food Bank, Indianapolis; Providence Park, Saint Mary-of- the-Woods College; Concord Neighborhood Center, Indianapolis; Well Suited Job Boutique Clothing Drive, Indianapolis and the Boaz Project 5K, Greenwood, Ind.
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