Ph.D. Global Leadership Student Handbook
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Graduation Degrees are awarded in March, May, July, September, and December. The College conducts one official commencement ceremony in May. Diversity Statement As a matter of institutional priority, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College strives to be an inclusive environment in which faculty members, staff, students and the greater community are respected and embraced regardless of variations in thoughts, experiences, values and traditions. As an academic institution, we foster a dynamic learning and working environment that encourages multiple perspectives and the free exchange of ideas. Founded as a Roman Catholic institution and able to draw on the Greek root of the word catholic meaning “universal,” we cultivate this heritage to develop a strong, respectful and trusting environment for students, faculty and staff. Recognizing the sacredness of humanity, we revere the beauty in all gifts and talents. We believe that diversity, as a multifaceted and a naturally valuable asset, aims to broaden and deepen both the educational experience and the scholarly environment, as students and faculty learn to interact effectively with each other, preparing them to engage as active citizens in an increasingly complex, multicultural and pluralistic society. We believe that diversity encompasses the awareness and celebration of the many identities that make up our community including, but not limited to, race, ethnicity, religious or spiritual affinity, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, marital status, parental status, socioeconomic class, age, cultural background, language, differing abilities and region of origin. We acknowledge, respect and celebrate our differences. In a world where the pursuit of safety and well-being are central, we foster a commitment to social justice and confrontation of discrimination and ultimately uphold human dignity for all. We intentionally work toward understanding, respecting and appreciating diversity by increasing our awareness, content knowledge, cognitive sophistication and empathic understanding of the complex ways individuals interact within systems and institutions. In doing so, we move beyond tolerance to understanding, accepting and celebrating our differences. We aspire to create respect for and appreciation of all persons as key characteristics of our campus community and beliefs, to increase the diversity of all parts of our College community through commitment to diversity in our recruitment and retention efforts and to foster a spirit of openness to active engagement among all members of our campus community. Our commitment to these principles is an integral part of our mission, values and daily activities.
Code of Rights and Responsibilities Please see the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities in the general Graduate Catalog.
Additional Graduate Policies Students will be expected to review and understand all College and Graduate program policies found in the appropriate handbooks such as in the general Graduate Catalog.
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College | Ph.D. in Global Leadership Student Handbook Updated 05/24/21
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