Ph. D. in Global Leadership Student Handbook
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Table of Contents Mission Statement. ..............................................................................................................................4 Vision Statement..................................................................................................................................4 Value Statement...................................................................................................................................4 Program Expectations.........................................................................................................................4 Concentration Area.............................................................................................................................4 Cohort Model .......................................................................................................................................5 Method of Program Delivery .............................................................................................................5 Admission Requirements....................................................................................................................5 Residency Requirement ......................................................................................................................8 Doctoral Student Publication Requirement .....................................................................................8 Student Development Funding.........................................................................................................10 Cultural Immersion Requirement...................................................................................................10 Basic Understanding of Statistics Assessment Policy ....................................................................11 Annual Academic Review Policy .....................................................................................................11 Academic Progress ............................................................................................................................11 Grade Appeal Policy .......................................................................................................................133 Probation, Suspension and Academic Dismissal..........................................................................144 Extensions...........................................................................................................................................14 Course Continuations for Ph.D. in Global Leadership .................................................................14 Graduate Course Repeat Policy.....................................................................................................155 Assessment..........................................................................................................................................15 Doctoral Early Start Program: SMWC Master of Leadership Development Students Only ..17 Pomeroy Graduate Assistants..........................................................................................................17 Early Alert System ............................................................................................................................18 International Students ......................................................................................................................19 Role of Ph.D. Faculty.........................................................................................................................19 Ph.D. in Global Leadership Mentors ..............................................................................................19 Role of Ph.D. Advisory Board..........................................................................................................20 Community of Practice .....................................................................................................................20 SharePoint Site...................................................................................................................................21 User Persona ......................................................................................................................................21 Ph.D. in Global Leadership LibGuide ............................................................................................23 Technology Requirement and Support...........................................................................................23
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Introduction to D2L (BrightSpace) .................................................................................................24 Global Leadership Institute..............................................................................................................24 Evaluation of Courses and Faculty..................................................................................................25 Graduate Council ..............................................................................................................................25 Graduate Program Directors’ Committee......................................................................................25 Graduate Office .................................................................................................................................25 Honors.................................................................................................................................................26 Prior Learning Credit .......................................................................................................................26 Transfer of Graduate Credit from Other Institutions to SMWC................................................26 Dismissal for Social Cause ................................................................................................................26 Military Deployment Policy..............................................................................................................26 Harassment Free Environment........................................................................................................27 Administrative Withdrawal .............................................................................................................27 Student Complaints...........................................................................................................................27 Academic Integrity Policy.................................................................................................................28 Academic Integrity Violation Definitions.......................................................................................28 Reporting Process............................................................................................................................29 Sanctions..........................................................................................................................................30 Student Academic Freedom .............................................................................................................30 Students with Disabilities..................................................................................................................30 Ring Eligibility ...................................................................................................................................31 Learning Resource and Writing Center .........................................................................................31 Rooney Library..................................................................................................................................32 SMWC Website .................................................................................................................................32 Career Development Center.............................................................................................................32 Financial Aid ......................................................................................................................................32 Graduation .........................................................................................................................................33 Diversity Statement ...........................................................................................................................33 Code of Rights and Responsibilities . .............................................................................................33 Additional Graduate Policies ...........................................................................................................33 Course Descriptions...........................................................................................................................34
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Mission Statement Our mission is to develop global leaders in scholarship and practice who collaborate with diverse teams to analyze and solve complex problems transcending cultural and geographical borders. The program inspires a scholarly curiosity to synthesize and globally share findings and solutions that draw from both theoretical backgrounds and practical experiences in a spirit of virtue. Vision Statement The vision of the Ph.D. in Global Leadership is to create an international community of global leaders who embrace a deep understanding of the global environment by focusing on human values and growth to make a positive impact on the world. Value Statement Based on the tradition of Saint Mother Theodore Guerin and her approach to Virtus Cum Scientia (Virtue with Knowledge United), the Ph.D. Program in Global Leadership (GL) creates an environment where students can develop both local and global leadership identities that empower them to be catalysts for positive change in their own and global communities. Global leadership is a complex phenomenon, encompassing an ability to perceive and adapt to cultural nuances; to be morally resilient during uncertainty, and embrace “virtue” and core values while leading positive global change. The mission focuses on two interrelated perspectives: Scholar and Practitioner. Both perspectives are threaded throughout the curriculum because the career pathway needs both the scholar and the practitioner to leverage interdisciplinary knowledge to solve complex challenges the world faces today and tomorrow. Program Expectations The Ph.D. in Global Leadership program expects professional, ethical, and mature behavior of each student. When participating in a cohort, each student will learn how to interact, build relationships, and find the strengths in people who may offer different perspectives. Group work will be part of this program and students are expected to contribute in a substantial and timely manner in all interactions. Class participation is an essential student obligation. Each doctoral student is responsible for all work conducted in the virtual, immersive delivery of the courses including virtual or face-to-face classrooms, virtual meetings, and/or discussion boards. Active and timely participation is critical to the success of the learner in this program. Students enroll only in one course in an 8-week term. Concentration Area The Ph.D. in Global Leadership curriculum includes a concentration area in Organizational Behavior and Change. This concentration area further strengthens the doctoral student’s education by analyzing and integrating knowledge of organizational behavior in the context of social and political contexts. In addition, the student will learn to make decisions that enhance an organization’s performance, and to develop and lead an innovative learning organizational environment to ensure adaptability in dynamic global settings, and more.
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Cohort Model Each August a new cohort of students will begin in the program. Cohorts offer a stimulating and intellectually challenging environment, while promoting a sense of community. A cohort encourages learning and growth from your peers as well as your professors and offers a structured order of courses and a group of peer support during the research stages. Method of Program Delivery The method of delivery in the Ph.D. in Global Leadership program is immersive and virtual. All classes are offered online with some requiring synchronous virtual meeting times. In addition, each doctoral student is required to complete three residency requirements prior to graduation. Please see the Residency Requirement section for more information.
Admission Requirements Admission requirements for the Ph.D. in Global Leadership program are as follows:
Master’s Degree GPA 3.0 or higher
• Official transcripts from all educational institutions attended • Three recommendations letters • Resume/CV • Essay • Application • Application fee of $100
If a student’s application materials misrepresent any information, for any reason, admission or enrollment may be revoked.
Additional requirements for international students (Note: 550 on the Test of English as Foreign Language (TOEFL). If taking the Internet-based TOEFL test, applicants will need a minimum score of 80. The SMWC TOEFL code is RA1704. As an alternative to the TOEFL, they may submit a score of at least 6.5 on the IELTS exam. Applicants who attended schools outside the United States are required to submit certified transcripts in English. If a master's degree is not yet completed at the time of application, the student must submit a current transcript. Upon degree completion, the student is required to provide official transcripts in a sealed envelope directly from the institution that awarded their degree prior to enrollment). Please see the application process image below:
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Degree Requirements The following requirements must be met to confer a Doctor of Philosophy in Global Leadership from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College:
Students must complete the 60-credit hour curriculum outlined in the Course Requirements including 18-credit hours in Global Leadership, 18-credit hours in Research, and 18-credit hours for the concentration area (Organizational Behavior and Change). The last 6 hours are dedicated to the dissertation process. Students must complete all courses with a minimum 3.0 out of 4.0 GPA and maintain a 3.0 GPA throughout the program. Students may retake a course one time (two attempts maximum), and the new course grade will replace the first failing grade. If a student’s GPA falls below 3.0, that student will be placed on probation. The Ph.D. in Global Leadership director (hereinafter referred to as director) will work with the students and their mentor to support the students’ progress.
Students must complete three residencies as a requirement of degree completion. Please see the Residency Requirement for detailed information.
Students will complete two doctoral student publications with the first submission at the conclusion of year one and the second submission at the conclusion of year two. All students will be provided with research support from their mentor and the SMWC Review Committee to encourage what may be the first publication submissions for some students. Please see Doctoral Student Publication Requirement for detailed information.
Each student will complete a cultural immersion each academic year (virtual or in-person attendance but at least one in-person cultural immersion before graduation). Please see Cultural Immersion Requirement for detailed information.
The dissertation process will begin only upon the successful completion of all previous coursework including the 18-credit hours in Global Leadership, 18-credit hours in Research, and 18-credit hours in the concentration area. A student will then select their dissertation committee and the student will develop a proposal for their research that must be presented and approved by the committee prior to any research being conducted. Upon approval of the proposal the student will then conduct their research, develop their written thesis, and present their research in an in-person defense. Upon successfully defending their dissertation and completing any corrections to the thesis following the defense, along with completion of all program requirements, the student will have successfully completed the requirements for graduation. Please see the Dissertation Manual with additional requirements and detailed information.
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Residency Requirement Doctoral students will complete three residency requirements prior to graduation. The recommended and preferred residency opportunity that is available to all students is the in-person Global Leadership Institute Conference held at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College’s campus in spring of each year. Additional opportunities available that will satisfy the residency requirement include the following: • Global Leadership Institute Conference • Wabash Valley Leadership Institute (WVLI)- Potential Presenter • Graduate Certificate of Women’s Leadership- Potential Poster Show Judge • Study Abroad Virtual Poster Show Presentation • Virtual Residency Opportunities- available only when at least one residency option has been or will be completed in-person and with the permission of the director. At least two of the three residency requirements must be fulfilled prior to registering for the dissertation coursework (GL 897: Qualifying Research Seminar, GL 898: Dissertation Proposal, and/or GL 899: Dissertation Defense). The final residency can be completed prior to or after the dissertation coursework begins but must be completed before a student can graduate. Please plan accordingly to work toward meeting the residency requirements as there will be ample opportunities promoted by SMWC’s Ph.D. in Global Leadership program. Doctoral Student Publication Requirement To further develop the Ph.D. in Global Leadership students’ publication skills there are two required publication submissions prior to the dissertation stage. The illustration shows a general timeline of the publication and residency opportunities.
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At the end of the first year of studies, students will be required to complete a global leadership focused manuscript with the intent for publication. The intent is for this publication to have a global leadership element or focus. Students are permitted to use in full or as a section of their submission, a paper or research that they authored in the first year of the Ph.D. in Global Leadership course(s). Students will provide their submission electronically to their mentor who will share the submission with the SMWC Review Committee. The mentor will then communicate the SMWC Review Committee’s suggestions for improvement and direct the student to appropriate publication outlets such as the SMWC Graduate Journal αρετή , the Global Leadership Institute Conference, Wabash Valley Leadership Institute, another conference, a virtual poster show, or a peer-reviewed journal. At the end of the second year of studies, students must develop a journal-ready paper with data presented in the paper. The student will submit the paper electronically to their mentor who will then submit it to the SMWC Review Committee (members may vary depending on the content). The paper will be graded as acceptable, needs revised and resubmitted, or unacceptable. If the paper is evaluated as unacceptable, students will be required to meet with their mentor and the director to determine an educational plan with the possibility of probation. If a student’s paper is accepted at, for example, an approved conference, a limited amount of funding is available for each student to cover registration at the conference and travel costs (transportation, hotel, meals) associated with the conference not to exceed $2,500 in total during the student’s tenure. See Student Development Funding for more information.
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Student Development Funding Each actively enrolled Ph.D. in Global Leadership student has access to student development funds. Students who complete the Doctoral Student Funding Form and gain subsequent approval from the director, are eligible for development funds of up to $2,500. This funding, provided in partnership with SMWC’s Global Leadership Institute, is intended to serve as one of many supportive initiatives toward our doctoral students that will also assist with lack of funding as a potential barrier in further developing their global leadership knowledge and potential. Student development funds can be used for a variety of opportunities such as expenses associated with attending academic conferences, fees associated with conducting dissertation research, study abroad expenses, and more. All students will conclude the use of funds with a presentation, poster, etc. (which can be tied to the publication and/or residency requirements). The doctoral student development funds can be spent in partial amounts or in full but the total $2,500 must be used before graduation or the funds will be considered unused. If there are any unused doctoral student development funds remaining upon each student graduating, then the funds will rollover to the following academic year and be used to further assist other Ph.D. in Global Leadership students in their professional development. Cultural Immersion Requirement SMWC’s Ph.D. in Global Leadership program requires all students, with the oversight of their mentor, to complete a cultural immersion each year of the program in either a physical or virtual delivery format to continue to widen their global lens outside of the classroom. These cultural immersive experiences can include a variety of opportunities provided or promoted by the Ph.D. in Global Leadership program faculty and director including but not limited to the following:
Immersive International Conferences
• Virtual Tours on a Culture Outside Your Own • Self-Lead Study Abroad (including work related or personal) • Studying Abroad with SMWC Ph.D. in Global Leadership Program
Studying abroad is an opportunity for Ph.D. in Global Leadership students to expand their global lens while learning about cultures that are different from their own. Students who will study abroad can increase their scores of cultural intelligence and global mindset, increase their multi-cultural sensitivity, improve their emotional intelligence, be exposed to global critical thinking and problem solving, add value to their lifelong learning and so much more. Unique study abroad and global leadership experiences may be offered in Greece (the birthplace of leadership), Korea, Taiwan, Japan, England, Ireland, France, Italy, Morocco and more. Studying abroad will enrich the doctoral curricula to build a strong and vibrant global leadership culture among students and the institution. Visit the SMWC Study Abroad website for more details; throughout the year the Ph.D. in Global Leadership Program will alert all doctoral students of upcoming study abroad opportunities specific to the program.
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Each student will complete at least one cultural immersion where they are in physical attendance while the remaining cultural immersions can be either physical or virtual attendance. The doctoral student will document their yearly immersion in the form of a recorded presentation submitted electronically to their mentor who will then submit the recording to the SMWC Review Committee. Students will receive notice of receipt of this recorded presentation and feedback from the SMWC Review Committee. There are no grades associated with these immersive experiences or the recorded presentations, however, the recordings OR the option to present live or live-virtual will occur at the yearly Global Leadership Institute Conference in April of each year. Guidelines for the recorded presentation can be obtained on the SharePoint Site . Basic Understanding of Statistics Assessment All new doctoral students will complete the Basic Understanding of Statistics Assessment during their first term (by September 20). The following policies apply: IF the student scores less than 70% on the initial Basic Understanding of Statistics Assessment (after two attempts) then the student can: • Complete an online two-week statistics refresher course by December 31 (no additional fee) IF the student scores less than 70% on the Basic Understanding of Statistics Assessment after completion of the online two-week statistics refresher course and two attempts at the Basic Understanding of Statics Assessment then the student is required to: • Complete MA-253: Statistics offered in the fall or spring at SMWC (additional fee applies) OR complete the equivalent from the college/university of your choice (transcript demonstrating successful completion must be received by the Office of Registrars at SMWC by May prior to enrolling in GL 871. Following completion of the two-week statistics refresher and/or the online MA 253 course, two- attempts are offered to re-take the Basic Understanding of Assessment before the student can enroll in GL 871. Annual Academic Review Policy In June of each academic year, students will be contacted by their individual mentor to provide an update that includes details about their academic progress. It is a highly encouraged component of program enrollment to respond to this inquiry and promptly provide updates on your current employment information, progress as a scholar including completion of requirements toward graduation, examples of implementation of your strength’s finder, development as a global leader, and global mindset. This information will continue to aid the faculty and staff within the Ph.D. in Global Leadership program to assist with your growth in the program while also serving department assessment needs. The mentor and the director will determine during this annual review if the student has successfully made progress to continue their studies. Academic Progress If the student has not made successful academic progress (B- or better in all coursework), the mentor will work with the director to suggest an education plan which may require additional coursework or tutoring as part of a pathway through probation. If a student continues to fail in their
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progress in the education plan outlined by the mentor and/or director, then the student can be dismissed from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College.
The mentor and director will also create a pathway to graduation plan if it is determined during the annual review that a student is not on track to complete their residency, student publication, and cultural immersion requirements. a. Upon completion of year one the student will have maintained at least a B- in all coursework, completed a cultural immersion (at least one cultural immersion must have been completed in person upon graduation), and submitted a manuscript/poster/e-poster for publication submission. a. The student will progress to year two if the requirements are successfully achieved. b. If the student has not met at least one of the requirements, an education plan or pathway to graduation plan will be developed with the participation of the mentor and the director; the student can be also placed on probation (see graduate catalog for probation details). b. Upon completion of year two the student will have maintained at least a B- in all coursework, completed their second cultural immersion (at least one cultural immersion must have been completed in person upon graduation), and submitted for a journal publication. a. The student will progress to year three if the requirements are successfully achieved. b. If the student has not met at least one of the requirements, an education plan or pathway to graduation plan will be developed with the participation of the mentor and the Director; the student can be also placed on probation or dismissed (see graduate catalog for probation and dismissal details). c. Upon completion of year three the student will have maintained at least a B- in all coursework, completed their third cultural immersion (at least one cultural immersion must have been completed in person upon graduation). a. The student will progress to year four if the requirements are successfully achieved. b. If the student has not met at least one of the requirements, an education plan or pathway to graduation plan will be developed with the participation of the mentor and the director; the student can be also placed on probation or dismissed (see graduate catalog for probation and dismissal details). d. Upon completion of year four the student will have maintained at least a B- in all coursework, completed their fourth cultural immersion (at least one cultural immersion must have been completed in person upon graduation). See the dissertation process within Degree Requirements for additional details required for graduation. a. The student will progress to graduation if the requirements are successfully achieved including the dissertation process. b. If the student has not met at least one of the requirements they will develop an education plan or pathway to graduation plan with their mentor and the director and can be placed on probation or dismissed (see graduate catalog for probation and dismissal details).
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The Ph.D. in Global Leadership Grading Scheme is followed in each course and by all faculty members as follows:
90-100 90-100%
89 88 82 80 78 72
89-89.9% 88-88.9% 82-87.9% 80-81.9% 78-79.99% 71.1-77.9%
Grade Appeal Policy The process for appealing a grade, while similar to the general appeal process, is specific to this academic issue. A student who believes that a grade awarded is in error may appeal that grade through the following procedure: 1. The student must first exhaust all possibilities for resolution of the problem through discussion, dialogue and written communication with the faculty member. 2. If the student is unable to resolve the problem by these efforts, the student may appeal to the director of the Ph.D. in Global Leadership program. The appeal consists of a letter clearly describing the grounds for the appeal together with unaltered copies of the relevant examinations or assignments. If the dispute involves a grade for an entire course, the appeal must be delivered to the program director within one month after the course grade is posted in the Office of the Registrar. If the dispute concerns a grade for work done within a course, the appeal must be delivered within one month after the student receives the grade. 3. The director shall notify the faculty member of the appeal and shall seek to mediate the dispute. 4. If mediation is unsuccessful, the student may request a second reading of examination or assignments. In this case, the director may ask another faculty member whom she or he deems qualified to evaluate the work in question. The second reader will submit an evaluation to the director, who will decide the grade. The decision may be to raise the grade, let the original grade stand or to lower the grade. 5. A director who receives a grade appeal shall notify the Office of Academic Affairs of the dispute and of the director’s decision. 6. If the dispute involves work done within a course, the decision of the director is final. If the dispute involves a grade for an entire course, the student may further
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appeal to the Office of Academic Affairs within 30 days. In this case, the decision of the Office of Academic Affairs is final. 7. In all cases, the Office of Academic Affairs will be responsible for notifying the Office of the Registrar of any changes in course grades resulting from the grade appeal. Probation, Suspension and Academic Dismissal Probation status may be imposed for the following reasons: serious deficiencies in academic work and/or failure to follow program procedures, including the prompt submission of work and/or payment for past due accounts. The following requirements may be imposed on probationary students to influence serious and persistent efforts to restore compliance with the program standards: achievement of a specified grade in each course, use of specific remedial aids, payment of bills by the due date or negotiated arrangement with the Chief Financial Officer, maintenance of regular communications with program personnel and observance of program procedures. Failure to comply with requirements within one month after notification may result in dismissal from the program. Students will be placed on academic probation when their semester GPA or cumulative GPA is less than 3.0. Prior to the start of the next term, the student will be notified in writing of the probationary status and of the conditions of the probation. Occasionally the resolution of an incomplete grade may change a student’s academic status. A student may remain on academic probation for no more than two consecutive terms. Prior to the start of the next term, a student who is suspended will be notified in writing of the suspension, its duration and the conditions for eligibility to apply for readmission. Generally, dismissal from the College is the result of unsatisfactory performance following a student’s return from a prior suspension. However, a student may be dismissed from the College without previous probation or suspension if the student’s academic performance in a given semester is deemed sufficiently unsatisfactory as to warrant dismissal. Extensions A course extension is only available upon director approval and in the case where a student has not completed all coursework or internship hours and can do so within a month of the term ending. Students must submit a request form for an extension which can be approved or denied by the instructor of the course. If approved, the student will have one month to complete the remaining work or hours. The final grade will be posted at the end of the extension (replacing the “I” incomplete grade). Repeatable, if needed, up to three months and by approval of student request for each month increment. A fee of $200/fee per month will be assessed. Course Continuations for Ph.D. in Global Leadership Course continuations are designed to be used when a student has not completed the research for their dissertation. The course continuation provides a three-week grace period. If the student's committee chair determines that additional time is needed outside of the three-week grace period, then it is recommended that the student be enrolled in GL 899: Dissertation Defense. GL 899 may
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be re-enrolled up to three times and the course continuation may be repeated up to three times. The fee for a course continuation is $325 for the three-week grace period.
Graduate Course Repeat Policy SMWC students may retake any SMWC graduate course one time to improve their grade in that course. If the course is retaken at SMWC, only the grade earned in the second attempt will be counted in the hours earned and the cumulative GPA. Every grade received for a course will remain on the student’s transcript. A transfer course may be used to fulfill the degree requirement, but it cannot be used to replace a grade from a previously taken SMWC course. To increase knowledge, students may take a course at SMWC for which they have already received transfer credit; however, the hours and points from the SMWC course will not be counted toward graduation requirements. In some cases, repeating a course may affect financial aid or military tuition benefits. Students should consult with the Financial Aid office prior to registration. Students may not repeat a course after graduation in order to alter their final GPA on the date of graduation. A course may be repeated later, but the second grade will not affect the hours and points from the original grade. This policy does not apply to variable content courses that are repeatable for credit, such as special topics courses, practicum, internship, etc. The College is not obligated to offer courses so that students can repeat them. Assessment Consistent with the SMWC Institutional Assessment Plan, the Ph.D. faculty will develop a program assessment system that encourages ongoing, performance-based assessment of student learning. This is typically implemented within at least one assignment per course and aligned with one or more of the Program Learning Outcomes. Most often, the assignment that includes this form of assessment is the final, culminating assignment or project in each course. The following are the Program Learning Outcomes for the Ph.D. in Global Leadership Program: 1. Differentiate between leadership and management of a diverse group of stakeholders and colleagues in global organizations. 2. Design and conduct original ethical research creating new theories and knowledge in global leadership and disseminating their work visually to a global community of colleagues. 3. Demonstrate a holistic understanding of global leadership and culture by ensuring that the core value of “virtue and knowledge united” includes developing an ethical, unbiased consciousness and awareness of equality, diversity, inclusion, and social justice within international organizational structures . 4. Discover and use their personal strengths and global leadership competencies. 5. Analyze and integrate the knowledge of organizational behavior in the context of social and political contexts to make decisions that enhance an organization’s performance. 6. Develop and lead an innovative learning organizational environment to ensure adaptability in dynamic global settings. 7. Apply multidisciplinary theories across sectors to address global challenges to organizational success. 8. Analyze and synthesize the influences of the three determinants (individuals, groups, and structures) on global organizational effectiveness.
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The following matrix reflects the Program learning Outcome Alignment with the Ph.D. in Global Leadership curriculum:
Revised January 2021 Program Learning Outcomes Alignment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Ph.D. in Global Leadership Curriculum
Global Leadership Core
Global Leadership Research
Reimagining Global Leadership Development Global Talent Management Ethical Leadership in a Global Society Leadership Theory & Practice in a Global Environment Communication in Global & Diverse Context
Research Core
Introduction to Research Methods & Data Presentation
Quantitative Methods in Research
Qualitative Methods in Research
Research Critique
Research Design
Communicating Research Visually for Publication
Organizational Behavior & Change (CONCENTRATION)
Advanced Data Analysis and Interpretation Managing Organizational Performance & Accountability International Organizational Behavior & Culture Strategic Leadership and Management of Global Change
Managing Innovations & Implementing Change International Policy & Communication
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Doctoral Early Start Program: SMWC Master of Leadership Development Students Only The opportunity to participate in the doctoral graduate early start program is limited to SMWC Master of Leadership Development students who are enrolled in the 599 final thesis course. The MLD student will apply for the Ph.D. in Global Leadership degree program and indicate on the doctoral application of their interest to participate in the early start program (doctoral application and indication of interest to participate in the early start program must be complete by March prior to the August start that the student wishes to begin the doctoral program). Upon reviewing the application materials and MLD performance, the Ph.D. in Global Leadership program director will determine if the student can participate in the early start program. If approved, the MLD student will be notified by the doctoral program and co-enrolled in their last MLD thesis course (599) and the Ph.D. first-year research course (GL 871, 3 credit hours, 8-week course that begins in June). The GL 871 doctoral course is the only co-enrollment option to be considered for the doctoral early start program. Tuition for GL 871 will only be waived upon approval to enroll in the doctoral early start program. Pomeroy Graduate Assistants Pomeroy Graduate Assistants is a competitive application process and those selected will receive full tuition remission. Pomeroy Graduate Assistants will have up to 4-years to complete their degree and must be enrolled as a full-time doctoral student for the duration of the program. Pomeroy Graduate Assistants’ position, hours worked, and position benefits can vary up to 20 hours per week depending upon director selection and program needs. International students will also be considered for this opportunity. Two Pomeroy Graduate Assistants are scheduled with each new cohort and students will continue as assistants each academic year (with director approval) until graduation. Their duties could range from teaching in undergraduate or graduate programs AND/OR in leadership programs AND/OR researching AND/OR supporting faculty in a variety of ways depending on their strengths. Interested students can complete the application form and submit it to the director by March of each academic year with the new Pomeroy Graduate Assistants for the upcoming academic year announced during the Global Leadership Institute Conference in April of each year. Pomeroy Graduate Assistants will complete the necessary paperwork with the SMWC’s Office of Human Resources, abide by a Code of Ethics, and successfully complete the following training sessions:
Valuing Diversity for Managers
• Kevin Mitnick Security Awareness Training • FERPA (Education) • Preventing Workplace Harassment for Employees • Workforce Safety & Security Awareness • Pomeroy Graduate Assistant Code of Ethics
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Pomeroy Graduate Assistants will be provided with the necessary access to technology (such as software) to complete their tasks assigned. Each Pomeroy Graduate Assistant will be assigned to a faculty member who will serve as their direct supervisor. Each Pomeroy Graduate Assistants’ performance is reviewed annually with their direct supervisor and in conjunction with the director. The director reserves the right to deny annual renewal of a student who is serving as a Pomeroy Graduate Assistant or the termination at any point during a Pomeroy Graduate Assistant’s employment if there is cause for the termination. Early Alert System The overall philosophy at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College is to provide academic support and encouragement to all students. This is the same in the Ph.D. in Global Leadership program where student performance will be assessed and academic support and/or education plans deployed. There is a strict policy that all doctoral courses must be achieved with no lower than a B- grade which is equivalent to an 80% on the Ph.D. in Global Leadership grading scheme. There is a strong early alert communication initiative amongst the instructors, the director, and the mentors regarding student academic support and student performance awareness. For example, if a student is falling behind on a course the instructor will reach out directly to the student, which may be followed up by the student’s mentor and the director as needed. The intent is to encourage and assist SMWC students early to offer support and assist the student in overcoming interruptions to their degree attainment when possible.
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International Students Students seeking additional information specific to enrolling at SMWC as an international student are encouraged to speak with the director and visit the SMWC international student website. Role of Ph.D. Faculty The faculty assists students in understanding the requirements, goals and methodology of a particular course. The faculty critique, advise, evaluate, and grade student work accomplished during the term. The contractual relationship between a faculty person and a student begins with the preparation of the course in the on-line learning platform, continues during the progress of the course, and ends with the submission of the course material and grade at the assigned due date or at the close of the approved extension period. The faculty will guide students to achieve their educational goals. Ph.D. in Global Leadership Mentors Mentors are assigned with the welcome letter sent from the Ph.D. in Global Leadership program to each individual student. Every attempt is made to match the student’s research interest to the mentor’s experience. The mentor may or may not be a current teaching faculty member. However, all mentors hold a doctoral degree and are highly valued members of the Ph.D. in Global Leadership community at SMWC. Assigning a mentor to each student is a demonstration of the unique support and encouragement that SMWC provides to each doctoral student to encourage your completion of
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the doctoral journey. The mentor will provide compassion and understanding regarding the challenges of the Ph.D. candidates by advising them on how to achieve a work/life balance including time management in addition to details about their academic course schedule. Mentors will assist their assigned doctoral students with the following: • Main Point of Contact • Academic Advising • Work/Life Balance and Time Management Skills • Ensure Student Required Publication Process is Met • Advice on Research Support • Ensure Cultural Immersion Requirement is Met • Yearly Student Review • Student Development Funding Balance Oversight • Connect to the SMWC Ph.D. Review Committee • Develop Individual Education Plans and Pathways to Graduation as Needed with the Director • Serve as the Initial Communicative Stage in the Student Early Alert System Role of Ph.D. Advisory Board The Ph.D. in Global Leadership Advisory Board consists of doctoral professionals who are valued members of the global leadership community. The Advisory Board volunteers are dedicated to the continued development of the Ph.D. in Global Leadership program at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with the goal of contributing to the growth and development of future members of the global leadership community. Community of Practice The Ph.D. in Global Leadership will use a Community of Practice model. Scholar identity is not easy, and it is a transformative experience. Ph.D. in Global Leadership SMWC students will develop a competency to present and publish research beginning amongst their peers within their doctoral cohort while encouraging and positively influencing new and continuing students each year.
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College | Ph.D. in Global Leadership Student Handbook Updated 05/24/21
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SharePoint Site Although CoP can be found within a course, the Ph.D. in Global Leadership’s goal is much broader. Using a SharePoint website (domain), students can interact with students in other cohorts, see faculty and fellow peers’ personas, and find common interests (credentials, Clifton Strengths, samples of research, etc.). The SharePoint website also contains important links for doctoral documents and recent news within the program. User Persona The doctoral faculty members, mentors, and students will complete a User Persona. Students will receive directions to develop (using the provided Ph.D. in Global Leadership template) their User Persona in their Welcome Letter upon being admitted to the program. The following is an example of a doctoral student’s User Persona:
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College | Ph.D. in Global Leadership Student Handbook Updated 05/24/21
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