Ph. D. in Global Leadership Student Handbook

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If the student disagrees with the charges against them, the Academic Integrity Committee will review documentation, interview the student/s and the instructor before rendering a decision. If the decision finds the student has violated the Academic Integrity Policy, appropriate sanctions will be determined by the committee. The following documents will be required by the instructor for The Committee to review: • Include any supporting documentation for the charge ( report or others). • Statements from other students should be included if applicable. • Copies of any written communication between the instructor and student that would pertain to the incident. If a student chooses to appeal the decision of the Academic Integrity Committee, the Vice President of Academic Affairs must receive the appeal in writing within 5 days of the original decision. The final decision of the institution is with the Vice President of Academic Affairs. Sanctions The first offense of a violation to the Academic Integrity Policy is usually a zero for the assignment but could be more severe depending on the circumstances. A subsequent violation could be a zero on an assignments or failure of a course. Any additional infractions could easily result in suspension or dismissal from the college. Student Academic Freedom Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College supports the right to free speech for its students to encourage personal growth and self-expression. The College upholds this right even when students’ opinions conflict with local, national, or Catholic opinion and/or doctrine. Therefore, The College does not regulate students’ opinions, nor can opinions expressed in or outside the classroom, not related to course objectives, influence an instructor’s evaluation of academic performance. When students choose to make their opinions or viewpoints known, it is their responsibility to indicate that they speak only for themselves and not for the institution. Students with Disabilities The College is committed to providing reasonable and appropriate accommodations to students with documented disabilities in order to afford them an equal opportunity to participate in the College’s programs, courses and activities. In order for the College to assist students with disabilities effectively under the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), students who have been accepted for enrollment and request accommodations must provide documentation of their disabilities from a physician, psychologist, testing center, state or federal agency, or other qualified evaluator. The ADA Advisor (Learning Resource Center Director) is designated to communicate with prospective or matriculated students to discuss needed support services and to communicate in writing what services the College may provide. Procedures: 1. 1. The student is responsible for providing documentation of disability to the College and requesting specific accommodations. • A copy of the course syllabus.

Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College | Ph.D. in Global Leadership Student Handbook Updated 05/24/21

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