Ph. D. in Global Leadership Student Handbook

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Residency Requirement Doctoral students will complete three residency requirements prior to graduation. The recommended and preferred residency opportunity that is available to all students is the in-person Global Leadership Institute Conference held at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College’s campus in spring of each year. Additional opportunities available that will satisfy the residency requirement include the following: • Global Leadership Institute Conference • Wabash Valley Leadership Institute (WVLI)- Potential Presenter • Graduate Certificate of Women’s Leadership- Potential Poster Show Judge • Study Abroad Virtual Poster Show Presentation • Virtual Residency Opportunities- available only when at least one residency option has been or will be completed in-person and with the permission of the director. At least two of the three residency requirements must be fulfilled prior to registering for the dissertation coursework (GL 897: Qualifying Research Seminar, GL 898: Dissertation Proposal, and/or GL 899: Dissertation Defense). The final residency can be completed prior to or after the dissertation coursework begins but must be completed before a student can graduate. Please plan accordingly to work toward meeting the residency requirements as there will be ample opportunities promoted by SMWC’s Ph.D. in Global Leadership program. Doctoral Student Publication Requirement To further develop the Ph.D. in Global Leadership students’ publication skills there are two required publication submissions prior to the dissertation stage. The illustration shows a general timeline of the publication and residency opportunities.

Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College | Ph.D. in Global Leadership Student Handbook Updated 05/24/21

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