Ph.d Global Leadership Student Handbook

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Pomeroy Graduate Assistants will be provided with the necessary access to technology (such as software) to complete their tasks assigned. Pomeroy Graduate Assistant’s report to the director who may also have the Pomeroy Graduate Assistants work with additional faculty or departments. Each Pomeroy Graduate Assistant s’ performance is reviewed. The director reserves the right to deny renewal of a student who is serving as a Pomeroy Graduate Assistant or the termination at any point during a Pomeroy Graduate Assistant’s employment if there is cause for the termination. Early Alert System The overall philosophy at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College is to provide academic support and encouragement to all students. This is the same in the Ph.D. in Global Leadership program where student performance will be assessed and academic support and/or education plans deployed. There is a strict policy that all doctoral courses must be achieved with no lower than a B- grade which is equivalent to an 80% on the Ph.D. in Global Leadership grading scheme. There is a strong early alert communication initiative amongst the instructors, the director, and the mentors regarding student academic support and student performance awareness. For example, if a student is falling behind on a course the instructor will reach out directly to the student, which may be followed up by the studen t’s mentor and the director as needed. The intent is to encourage and assist SMWC students early to offer support and assist the student in overcoming interruptions to their degree attainment when possible.

Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College | Ph.D. in Global Leadership Student Handbook Updated 08/10/2023

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