Ph.d Global Leadership Student Handbook

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B. Military students registered in the campus program may request a transfer to the online program to complete courses. In addition, students may request extensions for up to three months to complete a course if they have successfully completed at least 50% of the course. C. Military students who have completed less than 50% of all courses may request a complete withdrawal, and a full refund of tuition (only) will be processed. The refund will be processed to the branch of service or the military personnel depending on financial aid packaging. No grade or enrollment penalties will be imposed. Military students may choose to process a MLOA or a standard withdrawal. D. Military students may also choose to finish the courses in which they are currently enrolled during deployment. In all cases, the student should complete the deployment form and provide a copy of the deployment orders, or a signed verification letter from the Education Service Office or Commanding Officer. Upon return, the College will help the military student transition back into academic life. Harassment Free Environment Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College maintains a harassment free environment. Policies addressing the three different aspects of inappropriate conduct or behavior: Discriminatory Harassment, Sexual Harassment/Sexual Assault and Consensual Sexual or Romantic Relationships in the Workplace and Educational Setting can be found on the College web site. Collectively, the policies apply to all students, faculty, staff, and others who participate in Saint Mary-of-the- Woods College’s programs and activities. Administrative Withdrawal An administrative withdrawal from a term will be processed for students who fail to submit any work within the first 5 days of a course module. An Administrative withdrawal from The College may be processed for a student in good academic standing who has failed to remain in contact with the Academic Affairs Office for an extended period of time or has not enrolled in a year. Re-entry to College and Woods Online A student must reapply through the SMWC Admission Office if they have not been in classes at SMWC for a year or more. Readmitted students must satisfy the academic requirements in effect at the time of readmission. Students who have been suspended from SMWC and are allowed to be re-admitted will be on restriction or academic probation during their first term back. Students who do not finish the term with at least a 3.0 GPA may not be allowed to continue in Woods Online. Student Complaints In the course of admission or enrollment, a student may have a formal problem, complaint, grievance or issue that needs resolution. The definition of a formal complaint is a complaint directed to senior administrative representatives of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College about the institution and/or its operation that students wish to have formally resolved. Faculty, staff and administrators are committed to helping resolve such situations. The student should first bring any problem directly to the person(s) involved to communicate concerns and attempt to find an acceptable solution. If a resolution cannot be reached, the student should proceed to the student consumer complaint section

Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College | Ph.D. in Global Leadership Student Handbook Updated 08/10/2023

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