Ph.d global leadership student Handbook
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3 Credit Hours
Leadership Theory & Practice in a Global Environment
A theoretical approach is employed in this course as students analyze leadership and global leadership via peer-reviewed articles, texts, and more than utilize their research as supportive information in their own pursuit to defining leadership in a global environment. Students will examine and participate in various leadership practices and opportunities that they could implement in a global environment. This course will explore the complexities of intercultural communication in a global setting. The content in this course will equip a leader with the knowledge and skills to understand communication between people from diverse backgrounds, self- reflect critically on the influence of a leader’s own cultural disposition, as well as recognize cultural differences with others, compare and interpret both verbal and non-verbal multicultural communication behaviors and apply intercultural communication to resolve conflict and problems. The course will provide an overview of the entire research process starting with formulating research questions, the research design (quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods), how data will be collected ethically, and the steps for appropriate analysis. This course includes an introduction to visual and final report presentation; it also uses case method pedagogy, social science applications, and introductory excel statistics. Prerequisite includes a basic understanding of statistics (see Ph.D. in Global Leadership Student Handbook for further information). This course provides an overview of quantitative research methods, data types, populations and samples, sampling techniques, data reliability, research validity, and an introduction to basic quantitative analysis. It includes statistical methods applicable to business research and decision making. Students will be introduced to statistical software as well as learn how to visualize information.
3 Credit Hours
Communication in Global & Diverse Context
3 Credit Hours
Introduction to Research Methods & Data Presentation
3 Credit Hours
Quantitative Methods in Research
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College | Ph.D. in Global Leadership Student Handbook Updated 11/18/2022
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