Ph.d global leadership student Handbook

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At the end of the first year of studies, students will complete a global leadership focused manuscript in GL 871 with the intent (optional) for publication. The intent is for this publication to have a global leadership element or focus. Students are permitted to use in full or as a section of their submission, a paper or research that they authored in the first year of the Ph.D. in Global Leadership course(s). Students will provide their submission electronically to their mentor who will share the submission with the SMWC Review Committee. The mentor will then communicate the SMWC Review Committee’s suggestions for improvement and direct the student to appropriate publication outlets such as the SMWC Graduate Journal αρετή , the Global Leadership Institute Conference, Wabash Valley Leadership Institute, another conference, a virtual poster show, or a peer-reviewed journal. At the end of the second year of studies, students must develop a journal-ready paper with data presented in the paper. The student will submit the paper electronically to their mentor who will then submit it to the SMWC Review Committee (members may vary depending on the content). The paper will be graded as acceptable, needs revised and resubmitted, or unacceptable. If the paper is evaluated as unacceptable, students will be required to meet with their mentor and the director to determine an educational plan with the possibility of probation. If a student’s paper is accepted at, for example, an approved conference, a limited amount of funding is available for each student to cover registration at the conference and travel costs (transportation, hotel, meals) associated with the conference not to exceed $2,500 in total during the student’s tenure. See Student Development Funding for more information.

Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College | Ph.D. in Global Leadership Student Handbook Updated 11/18/2022

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