Ph.d global leadership student Handbook
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Focus #1: Internships that Lead to Careers • develop strategies to support international students interested in working with global employers with midwestern locations, • work with global corporations to develop international internships for both international and domestic students, • create a consortium for study abroad experiences with the goal for students to pursue internships, • develop strategies for PhD placement in both academia and corporate placement. Focus #2: Graduate Culture • promote creative professional development opportunities for faculty/student research across all graduate programs, • extend learning opportunities at a possible Global Leadership Conference, • create a graduate publication, suggested name “ARETE” which means “virtue” in Greek. Focus #3: Global Outreach • partner with other colleges and universities around the globe to share courses, speakers, resources, and students, • develop a Standard for global leadership development programs • explore the creation of an accrediting body, Global Leadership Accreditation (GLA), that ensures quality assurance through an external peer review process based on the Standard, • apply for a new accreditation-granting body through Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) Evaluation of Courses and Faculty Students will have access to course evaluation forms at the end of each course, each term. The faculty members welcome observations and suggestions concerning course content, assignments, teaching methods, etc. Students may request an evaluation form at any time during the term. Graduate Council The Graduate Council (GC) is the policy-making body for graduate programs. The GC is made up of the SMWC graduate program directors and graduate faculty. Graduate Program Director s’ Committee The Graduate Program Director s’ Committee (GPDC) implements the policies made by the graduate council and deals with issues/problems common to the SMWC graduate programs. The GPDC is made up of the directors of all SMWC graduate programs. Graduate Office The Graduate Office staff serve as a liaison to the students providing updates, graduation and Ring Day information among others.
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College | Ph.D. in Global Leadership Student Handbook Updated 12/11/2024
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