Ph.d global leadership student Handbook
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Degree Requirements The following requirements must be met to confer a Doctor of Philosophy in Global Leadership from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College:
Students must complete the 60-credit hour curriculum outlined in the Course Requirements including 18-credit hours in Global Leadership, 18-credit hours in Research, and 18-credit hours for the concentration area (Organizational Behavior and Change OR Business Administration). The last 6 hours are dedicated to the dissertation process. Students must complete all courses with a minimum 3.0 out of 4.0 GPA and maintain a 3.0 GPA throughout the program. Students may retake a course one time (two attempts maximum), and the new course grade will replace the first failing grade . If a student’s GPA falls below 3.0, that student will be placed on probation. The Ph.D. in Global Leadership director (hereinafter referred to as director) will work with the students and their mentor to support the students’ progress. Students will complete two doctoral student publications. It is encouraged that the first submission be at the conclusion of year one and the second submission at the conclusion of year two. All students will be provided with research support from their mentor to encourage what may be the first publication submissions for some students. Please see Doctoral Student Publication Requirement for detailed information. Each student will complete three cultural immersions (virtual or in-person attendance but at least one in-person cultural immersion in a country other than their own before graduation). One cultural immersion per academic year is acceptable for this requirement. Please see Cultural Immersion Requirement for detailed information. The dissertation process will begin only upon the successful completion of all previous coursework including the 18-credit hours in Global Leadership, 18-credit hours in Research, and 18-credit hours in the concentration area. A student will participate in the selection of their dissertation chair prior to beginning the first dissertation stage (GL 897) and the committee members will be assigned before the start of GL 897. Students will complete all requirements set forth in GL 897 and GL 898 along with IRB approval before any research can be conducted. Upon approval of the committee through a successful defense in GL 898 and IRB approval, then the student will then conduct their research, complete their written dissertation, and present their research in an in-person defense. Upon successfully defending their dissertation and completing any required corrections to the dissertation following the defense, along with completion of all program requirements, the student will have successfully completed the requirements for graduation. Please see the Dissertation Manual with additional requirements and detailed information.
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College | Ph.D. in Global Leadership Student Handbook Updated 12/11/2024
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