GAGE The GAGE Program is designed to address gender equality in Greece. Among EU nations, Greece ranks last in gender equality, negatively impacting its ability to compete for economic, social, and cultural development initiatives. The initiative is fully funded, with the support of the U.S. Embassy in Athens, Greece, and involves two educational institutions Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College in Indiana, USA, and the University of West Attica, in Athens Greece who recently have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). The main goal of the program is to strengthen the educational ties and the student mobility of both institutions by working together on developing of gender equality case studies which they will be applied to multiple types of organizations in the Greek economy. The project includes case study workshops, immersive study abroad components, cross-cultural collaboration, multidimensional mentorship, and publication opportunities of the outputs with an extensive social impact in improving Greeceā€™s ranking in gender equality in EU nations.

About the Program

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