The Woods Over the next five days, participants will learn of the enriched history and culture of Saint Mary-of-the Woods College and of Saint Mother Theodore Geurin’s journey. Through the years, SMWC has helped shape the fabric of both women’s education and early Catholic education in America. During a period of limited opportunities for women and widespread discrimination against Catholics, The Woods’ founding was precipitated by a commitment to helping students Aspire Higher. In 1973, the College was the second in the nation to establish a distance education program with the launch of the Women’s External Degree Program. Before women fought for equal pay, before women secured the right to vote, before the women’s rights movement even began, there was Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College. For generations, The Woods has been empowering students to make a difference in their lives and in their world, and it all started with a holy woman’s faith in Divine Providence. Today, the College maintains a proud legacy as a historic women’s college. SMWC is a leader in gender equality in a number of ways. We are excited to host the students and faculty from the University of West Attica as part of the Greek and American Gender Equality Program.
A sincere thank you to the U.S. Embassy for supporting this initiative.
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College
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