

We know this seems like the cart before the horse, but the reality is, once we have your information we can match you up with scholarships. And free money is always best. So, get that application filled out. APPLY


We’ve got a few partnerships that make an SMWC education feasible. If you have an affiliation with one of these companies, we’ve got some good news to share. Go online for the separate application and details.


Even if you think you won’t qualify; we need the financial information to match you to OUR need-based criteria. You might be surprised at what you will qualify for, so use your debate skills to talk your parents into completing the application. It’s free and easy! FAFSA code: 001835 FAFSA Please check your student portal. You’ll get an offer from us through your student portal. As hard as we try to make it simple, we know it can be a bit overwhelming, so we’d love to meet up with you (virtual, phone or in person) to explain the package and your costs (if any!). PACKAGING As nice as it might be to wait until the last minute to make up your mind, we’ve ear-marked scholarships for you and others. If you’ve made up your mind about your new college home, please let us know so we can either lock in your scholarship or let it go to another deserving student. COMMITMENT



Pomeroy Scholars

This is our twist on the 21st Century Scholars program. We push hard to give you a DEBT-FREE education. In addition to this amazing Indiana scholarship opportunity, we also have special programming to ensure your college success. Private college, debt-free. Making miracles happen.


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