

Your Apple iPad All incoming freshmen receive a 64 gig, WiFi only, Apple iPad and three years Apple care. It’s portable, it’s functional and it’s super cool.

Free Printing on Campus Printing on campus is FREE for all students. And they aren’t hidden! We’ve got printers in every building and on the technology bars on every floor of Le Fer Hall.


Not only is the WiFi free and available – it’s easy too. And recent upgrades to the latest technology will ensure your gaming is .

Software Get access to Microsoft Office 365 for free, including OneDrive file storage. If you need special software for your degree, we’ll be sure to help you get it.

Getting Help Sometimes, you’re just stuck.

Whether it’s the calming voices or the step-by-step instructions (without patronizing), the Service Desk can help you through your tech hassles. Open 8-to-5, year-round or you can submit a ticket online, too.


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