



Our legacy of inclusion began with our foundress, Saint Mother Theodore Guerin, a French immigrant who understood the value of belonging. She embraced the opportunity to teach girls at a time when only boys received an education. Then, in the 60s, we saw young mothers drop out of college to focus on their families and created our distance program that morphed into today’s online program. That program has made college flexible and possible for thousands of students. The culture of educating through inclusion continues today through connections and conversations with campus groups and programs.

“What brought me to The Woods was that special connection to the faculty. They made sure to let me know that they wanted me here. I really like the family connection that I have with the faculty here.”

“I quickly realized that everyone here was so willing to help me succeed and wanted me to succeed. Not only the faculty but also my peers. I’ve never been in a place where the students weren’t competing against each other, but just wanting everyone to do their best.”

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