West Attica GAGE Handbook

GAGE Saint Mary-of-the-Woods-College and University of West Attica

October 23-25, 2023

Greek and American Gender Equality Program

University of West Attica Workshop

Supported By

GAGE The GAGE Program is designed to address gender equality in Greece. Among EU nations, Greece ranks last in gender equality, negatively impacting its ability to compete for economic, social, and cultural development initiatives. The initiative is fully funded, with the support of the U.S. Embassy in Athens, Greece, and involves two educational institutions Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College in Indiana, USA, and the University of West Attica, in Athens Greece who recently have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). The main goal of the program is to strengthen the educational ties and the student mobility of both institutions by working together on developing of gender equality case studies which they will be applied to multiple types of organizations in the Greek economy. The project includes case study workshops, immersive study abroad components, cross-cultural collaboration, multidimensional mentorship, and publication opportunities of the outputs with an extensive social impact in improving Greece’s ranking in gender equality in EU nations.

About the Program

Supported By

Program Coordinator

Dr. Lamprini Pantazi is a Pomeroy Award-winning professor and a team-builder at Saint Mary-of-the Woods College. Pantazi has authored grants and articles and speaks at a variety of conferences. Pantazi partners with the Terre Haute Chamber of Commerce each year to bring the Wabash Valley Leadership Institute to the SMWC campus. Pantazi started in the Master of Leadership Development program, became the director in 2018, and was appointed to the Dean of Business & Leadership in February 2021.

She formed the Ph.D. Advisory Board to develop the Ph.D. in Global Leadership with a concentration in Organizational Behavior & Change. This is the first Ph.D. program in the history of SMWC. Her approach to program development is rooted in Virtus Cum Scientia (Virtue with Knowledge United) since "virtue" is a core value while leading positive change. Lamprini Pantazi, Ph.D.

Supported By

Program Faculty

Dan is a graduate of Thomas More University in Crestview Hills, KY, and holds a master's and doctorate from the University of Notre Dame. At Convergys Corporation, he designed and implemented a learning platform for over 80,000 employees globally. He transformed the learning and leadership development programs at Kendle International, a global clinical research firm, from a live, instructor-led model to a blended, virtual learning environment. The success of this initiative was recognized by Training magazine, eLearning, and Chief Learning Officer. He’s the founder and principal of Leadership Squared, helping organizations achieve sustained peak performance. He is a Gallup Certified Strengths Coach, a CompTIA Certified Technical Trainer (CTT+), and is a former Commission Chair of the International Accreditors of Continuing Education and Training (IACET). He has served as a contract Program Manager for Harvard Business Publishing, a subsidiary of Harvard Business School. Dan currently teaches for the Global Leadership Ph.D. Program at SMWC.

Dan Hiltz, Ph.D.

Supported By

Program Faculty

Dr. Jennie L. Mitchell is a Pomeroy Award-winning professor and faculty pioneer at Saint Mary-of-the Woods College. Mitchell has authored various grants, book chapters, articles, podcast scripts, textbook Excel problems, and accounting practice sets. Mitchell partnered with the Small Business Development Center to provide over a decade of leadership for small women-owned businesses. She has presented and led workshops at a variety of conferences. Mitchell has owned several businesses including an internet service provider business and continues to help not-for-profits in both accounting and data analytics. Before teaching, Mitchell was a cost analyst, an auditor, and a controller. Mitchell retired from SMWC and was awarded an Emerita Professor in 2013 but continues to teach in the Master of Leadership Development (MLD program, the Master of Business Administration (MBA) program, and the Ph.D. in Global Leadership (GL) program.

Jennie Mitchell, Ph.D.

Supported By

Pre-Workshop Checklist

Before October 20

Login to Learning Management System | Canvas, and become comfortable navigating the platform.

Instructions in the following pages.

Review CliftonStrengths results and bring your Clifton Strengths Insight Guide to Day One of Workshop. Before October 23

Readings (found on Canvas)

Keeping to the Fairway and have it available for discussion. It’s available in the Canvas platform. Chapters 1,2,6 of: Naumes, W. & Naumes, M. Naumes, (2012). The Art and Craft of Case Writing: Vol. 3rd ed. Routledge. eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost).

Pre-Workshop Checklist

Supported By


The Learning Management System

To login to Canvas, go to: Login to Learning Management System| Canvas, use your UNIWA email, and the password provided. Video Tutorials: The Faculty Resource Center has recorded two videos for our graduate students. The first covers the dashboard and Global Navigation Bar. The second covers two sample courses, navigating within a course, and submitting an assignment and a discussion. Accessing Help: 24/7 support is available with Canvas. This support can be accessed by clicking on “Help” on the Global Navigation bar (left side of the screen) and then selecting to either “Chat with Canvas Support” or calling the number listed for the “Canvas Support Hotline.” Welcome to Canvas Video Part I: Dashboard and Global Navigation Welcome to Canvas Video Part II: Navigating Inside Your Courses

Understanding and Using Canvas In addition, Canvas has Guides that are available to all users. Click on “Help” and then “Search the Canvas Guides” at the top of the screen. Then search written tutorials by topic, video guides, student-specific guides, etc.

Supported By

University of West Attica GAGE Workshop

October 23, 2023 Workshop Begins Introduction to Case Studies



12:00 13:00 14:00

Using Your Strengths Lunch and Coffee Break

Global Leadership Cases (as a category)


Creating Learning Outcomes

Teams Work Independently (as needed) Identifying the Workshop Case Read Chapters 4 and Five October 24, 2023



10:00 12:00 13:00

The Case Narrative

The Instructor Guide/Teaching Note

Lunch and Coffee Break

Teams Work Independently (as needed) Write the Case Write the Instructor’s Guide October 25, 2023 Exchange and Review Case One Exchange and Review Case Two Exchange and Review Case Three



10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00

Lunch and Coffee Break

General Review and Discussion

Publishing Your Case

Workshop Ends

Greek and American Gender Equality Program Supported By Saint Mary-of-the-Woods-College and University of West Attica

Greek and American Gender Equality Program

Supported by the

Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College & University of West Attica


Oct. 23-25, 2023

Workshop held at the University of West Attica, for selected graduate and doctoral students and faculty.

Oct. 31-Nov. 2, 2023


Selected graduate and doctoral students and faculty from SMWC, participate in virtual workshop.

March 3-8, 2024


UNIWA graduate students join their peers from SMWC to review progress on gender equality case studies draft, and visit Indiana businesses.


Friday, April 5, 2024

Teams virtually present gender equality cases to peers and faculty.

SMWC graduate and doctoral students join their peers at UNIWA for cultural context application in gender equality through case studies by sector and industry. SMWC VISITS GREECE May 19-24, 2024

Join a virtual workshop on next steps in publishing your case in Αρετή (Arete): Journal of Excellence in Global Leadership. PUBLISH YOUR CASE STUDY July 16, 2024

GAGE Saint Mary-of-the-Woods-College and University of West Attica

University of West Attica Workshop

Greek and American Gender Equality Program

October 23-25, 2023

Supported By

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