2022 Introduction to Statistics in Research Mitchell 2nd ed
I N T R O T O R E S E A R C H : D A T A V I S U A L I Z A T I O N & C O M M O N S T A T T E S T S
This table is similar to Table 16.3 in the Adams & McGuire textbook. Starting with Chapter 9, the Adams & McGuire textbook includes the statistical analysis approach, when to use it and discusses the effect size and post hoc (if any) that should be ran. According to Adams & McGruie (2022), effect size i s the “strength or magnitude of the effect of a variable or strength of the relationship between two variables” (p. 630). Effect si ze is discussed in detail because researchers don’t always agree on the effect size statistic that should be ran. A definition for a post hoc test is “Additional analysis when you find statistically significant results when comparing three or more groups (sometimes also performed when you find a statistically significant interaction ” (Ibid, p. 635).
When to use?
Dependent (outcome variable)
Independent (Explanatory variable)
Parametric Test (data is normally distributed)
Non-Parametric test
The average of TWO INDEPENDENT groups
Nominal (binary)
Independent t-test Mann-Whitney U
r 2 or Cohen’s d
Effect size :
Rank sum test
One-way ANOVA
Kruskal-Wallis Test Use a form of η2
The averages of 3+ independent groups
Effect size : η2
Run Post hoc? Yes, if F is statistically
Yes, is H is statically
significant, use Fisher’s LSD
significant- run Rank Sums test
The average difference between paired (matched) i.e. weight before and after diet
Time/ condition variable
Paired t-test (also called dependent samples t test)
Wilcoxon signed rank test
Effect size:
Cohen’s d
Run Post hoc?
Dunn’s test (McNemar)
Time / condition variable
Repeated measures ANOVA (one way within subjects ANOVA)
Friedman chi- squared test
The 3+ measurements on the same subject
Effect size: η2
Use a form of η2 Yes, if X 2 is statistically significant, use Nemenyi’s procedure (this is similar to Tukey’s HSD)
Post Hoc? Yes, if F is statistically
significant, use Fisher’s LSD, Tukey or Sidak
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