2022 Introduction to Statistics in Research Mitchell 2nd ed

I N T R O T O R E S E A R C H : D A T A V I S U A L I Z A T I O N & C O M M O N S T A T T E S T S

Patricia Leavy. (2017). Research Design : Quantitative, Qualitative, Mixed Methods, Arts-Based, and Community-Based Participatory Research Approaches . The Guilford Press. eBook Collection Database: (EBSCOhost). Leavy included two opter approaches: Arts-based research and Community-Based Participatory research that may be of interest.

Question: I want to do a study that includes a pre and post questionnaire (survey). Does this type of study need IRB for approval?

Answer: Yes.

Approach Comparison Regardless of which method you choose, if human subjects are involved, you need to tell your committee how information will be collected from human subjects. As you can see in the table, we show three types of approaches: quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods. In the proposal stage, you will explain how you “ will ” c ollect the data. So in the proposal stage you might start the discussion like this.

Sample Language seen at proposal and revised for dissertation

In the proposal stage

In the dissertation stage

Because this study involves human subjects, I will seek approval from the Saint Mary-of- the-Woods College Institutional Review Board (IRB) as required. After I receive IRB approval, I will take precautions to ensure ethical considerations ( tell how ), ensure anonymity ( tell how ), follow a strict interview protocol ( see example below ), and ensure that any identifiable information is scrubbed. My IRB Human Subject Forms including consent forms are available in Appendix C as part of this proposal.

Because this study involved human subjects, approval from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College Institutional Review Board (IRB) was required. After receiving IRB approval, precautions were taken to ensure ethical considerations ( tell how ), ensure anonymity ( tell how ), follow a strict interview protocol ( tell

how ), and ensure that any identifiable information ( tell how ) was scrubbed ….

The consent forms used in the study are in Appendix C.

Table 6: Comparison of language for a proposal to dissertation

Research Proposal There are many dissertation proposal templates on the internet but before you start your search, make sure to read DePoy & Gitlin’s Chapter 22, Sharing Research Knowledge Before the Study. Writing a research proposal has to be approved by one and most often two bodies. The first is your committee and the second body is the Institutional Review Board if you have Human Subjects in your study. Writing a research proposal has five basic principles:


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