2022 Introduction to Statistics in Research Mitchell 2nd ed
I N T R O T O R E S E A R C H : D A T A V I S U A L I Z A T I O N & C O M M O N S T A T T E S T S
Now that we know that we have a normal distribution and homogeneity of variance, we can run the one-way ANOVA to test the hypothesis. In the interest of time, you may run lots of the processes at the same time. Additionally, you will want to check the post hoc test; otherwise, we don’t get th e full story. In SPSS, follow these steps: Analyze > Compare Means > One-way ANOVA > Dependent list – use complaints and Sales region as factor, also check box “Estimate effect size for overall tests”> Post Hoc – check Tukey and continue, then Options > Descriptive > Continue and then OK DESCRIPTIVES: The output from the descriptive statistics shows you the mean and standard deviation as well as the confidence interval for each region. Only the North region has a confidence interval that crosses zero.
Table 134: Descriptive Statistics
Table 135: ANOVA in SPSS
HYPOTHESIS TEST : The one-way ANOVA shows significance of p < .001. We sent alpha at .05, so the means are not equal; however, we don’t know more than that until we look at the post hoc test (Tukey).
If we were to write this up so far, it would be F(3,16) = 9.951, p < .001
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