2022 Introduction to Statistics in Research Mitchell 2nd ed

I N T R O T O R E S E A R C H : D A T A V I S U A L I Z A T I O N & C O M M O N S T A T T E S T S

where df = degrees of freedom.

You should not report the result as "significant difference", but instead report it as "statistically significant difference". This is because your decision as to whether the result is significant or not should not be based solely on your statistical test. Therefore, to indicate to readers that this "significance" is a statistical one, include this is your sentence.

ONE-WAY ANOVA TEST VIDEO This video is 14.18 minutes. It includes the following components

Understanding when to use one-way ANOVA Parametric test – requirements to run it

Completing ANOVA APA table

Effect size

Levene & Welch test

Writing up the results

Mitchell, J. (2021, July 1). One way ANOVA in SPSS. [Video file]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/Cx2xsb81hXs


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