2022 Introduction to Statistics in Research Mitchell 2nd ed
I N T R O T O R E S E A R C H : D A T A V I S U A L I Z A T I O N & C O M M O N S T A T T E S T S
c. Include background of the problem: Set the stage. It should be compelling. It should provide context and the reader should understand the purpose.
d. Key research questions : What are the questions you’ll be looking to answer? What do you hope to find out. Explain your hypothesis. Be realistic – don’t outsell something you can’t deliver. This section will look different depending on your research approach (quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods).
6) Chapter II
a. Review of relevant literature : The amount of literature review should show your awareness of themes, debates or controversies, and theories that relate to your research. Your research needs to show that you are doing something that has not been done before. Tie to research question.
7) Chapter III
a. Methodology Overview: Describe research methods.
b. How are you planning to do your research: selection of participants, procedure to protect participants.
c. Data sources (i.e. audio tapes, video tapes, transcripts of conversations, etc.) Data collection procedures.
d. Will you use quantitative, qualitative, or both? Why have you chosen this methodology?
e. How will you consider reliability and validity (i.e., triangulation, peer debriefing, etc.)
f. Expected results: Explain what you hope to achieve. Share how your research could affect or impact the subject area.
g. Timeline: This is the section where you plan when the study will be conducted. It should be realistic. Keep in mind – this could be changed later if something comes up – but this section is important for the committee to determine you have a good project that is achievable.
8) References: This section includes your references for the proposal in APA format. These references should be current, relevant, and from leading authors.
Human Subjects Review Form A
Now, let’s compare these sections to what the Human Subjects Review Form A (a SMWC Institutional Review Board form) requires. Screen captures shown here are from the form that was revised in 2019. It is possible that the form is revised, so make sure to check.
The research proposal should be approved by the committee before it can be submitted to the IRB. The principal investigator is your chair.
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