2022 Introduction to Statistics in Research Mitchell 2nd ed
I N T R O T O R E S E A R C H : D A T A V I S U A L I Z A T I O N & C O M M O N S T A T T E S T S
Illustration 1 - Attentive Processing –– How many 5’s?
996331110310745679702836710983444897123468912871236987411122896633177489 675447897126234896489712378877812344899622741251178974186394182379461322 747896117894623141479964235987349790271231329636148791030070809141251100
Illustration 2- Preattentive Attribute Processing –– How many 5 ’s
99633111031074 5 679702836710983444897123468912871236987411122896633177489 67 5 4478971262348964897123788778123448996227412 5 1178974186394182379461322 74789611789462314147996423 5 9873497902712313296361487910300708091412 5 1100
Knaflic says it best, “If we use pre-attentive attributes strategically, they can help us enable our audience to see what we want them to see before they even know they’re seeing it” (Knaflic, 2015, p. 99). Let’s assume that you are wanting to show a very small graph for the statistic: less than 5% of adults exercise 30 minutes a day ( (HHS: President's Council on Sports, Fitness & Nutrition, 2020). BTW, this statistic is sad but true!
Let’s look at some of the example s and how you might use preattentive attributes:
There are several other preattentive attributes but they didn’t work for this information. They include 1) line length, 2) line width, 3) intensity (could have done this one, but felt hue was better), 4) spatial position, and 5) motion. Of the six I’ve s hown you, my favorite is enclosure.
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