2022 Introduction to Statistics in Research Mitchell 2nd ed

I N T R O T O R E S E A R C H : D A T A V I S U A L I Z A T I O N & C O M M O N S T A T T E S T S

Journal Author Name Estimator (Jane)

Jane is funded by Biosemantics Group and hosted by the Observational Health Data Science and Infomatics. Essentially, it only returns journals that related to healthcare. I used keywords from the (FAKE) abstract we used for the other searches but added healthcare leadership and received a long list of journals.

Link: https://jane.biosemantics.org/

Table 16: Jane Results

One of the reasons you see Medline Indexed after so many of the journals is that JANE is concerned about papers from predatory journals. Jane considers journals indexed by Medline as high quality journals. In addition, journals approved by the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) are also considered high quality journals.

If you click “Show articles” it finds articles that have some of the same terms from your search. Here is the illustration:

Table 17: Jane results from clicking on link


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