2022 Introduction to Statistics in Research Mitchell 2nd ed

I N T R O T O R E S E A R C H : D A T A V I S U A L I Z A T I O N & C O M M O N S T A T T E S T S

Correlation Convocation #1 & #2

Introduction : This is a webinar project. Please read through before the correlation convocation (webinar). Your professor will demonstrate the SPSS steps and you are NOT required to calculate or do anything in SPSS; however, you will need to integrate and apply the concepts and theories and relate it to other research studies. Besides the live demonstration, you will find the practice dataset and all steps in written form following the assessment activity. (Jump to Global Warming Practice Dataset) Lesson Objectives: Able to integrate and apply: • Internal consistency: The consistency of participant responses to all the items in the scale (p. 94). • Cronbach’s alpha (α) : Test used to assess the internal consistency of a scale by computing the intercorrelations among responses to scale items; values of .70 or higher are interpreted as acceptable internal consistency (p. 94) • Recoding: The process of recoding is acceptable when items are reversed scored since they are worded in the opposite direction. • Scale Score: The score that is computed from items assessing a particular construct, most commonly a sum or average of the numbers representing responses to individual items in the document. (a single item can represent a construct (like education level), but often multiple items can be grouped around a particular theme or self-assessment of a trait; thus a scale score could be the total of these related items). CORRELATION CONVOCATION #2 GLOBAL WARMING ASSESSMENT ACTIVITY: To apply the learning objectives, 1) Form a team of three or four, 2) Choose one of the following dissertations (or another with approval) – no duplication, so choose quickly and let the class know on the discussion board. 3) Be prepared to present the author’s approach to determining internal consistency through the use of Cronbach’s alpha (α) at our next webinar. Use a slide deck to structure

your thoughts and everyone on your team should participate. 4) Share at least one survey resource (book, article, video) 5) Participate & respond to the other team’s presentation.

Burgi-Tian, J. (2020). For the greater good: Network citizenship behavior and innovative behavior in american local government leaders (Order No. 27829193). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses

Global. (2392344025). Retrieved from https://www.proquest.com/dissertations- theses/greater-good-network-citizenship-behavior/docview/2392344025/se-2

Dempsey, A. M. (2021). Examining the impact of leadership style and employee engagement on turnover intent moderated by emotional intelligence in front line employees of hotels (Order No. 28496191). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (2532500185). Retrieved from


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