2022 Introduction to Statistics in Research Mitchell 2nd ed

I N T R O T O R E S E A R C H : D A T A V I S U A L I Z A T I O N & C O M M O N S T A T T E S T S

Clearing up some confusion: Research method, Research Methodology, Research Process

Research method and research methodology are not the same thing. Your research method is your way of conducing and implementing research (surveys, interview, mixed methods, etc.).

The research methodology is the science and theories behind the research. You should expect a methodology chapter where you identify what data to collect, who to collect if from, how to collect it, how to analyze it, and why the methodological choices were made. “ Science must include a transparent method that can be evaluated and replicated by others” (Adams & McGuire, 202 2, p. 6). The research process is usually presented in a list of steps. DePoy & Gitlin (2020), list ten essentials of research (p.15) and Adams & McGuire (2022) lists seven steps to the research process (p. 27). Let’s look at a comparison:

Adams & McGuire Research Process Steps

DePoy & Gitlin Ten Essentials of Research

1. Identify a topic

#1- Identify philosophical foundation #3 - Determine supporting knowledge #4 - Identify a theory base # 2 - Frame a research problem #5 – Develop a specific questing or query

2. Find, read, and evaluate past research

3. Refine topic and develop a hypothesis

#6 – Select a design strategy #7 - Set study boundaries #8 – Obtain information*

4. Design the study

5. Carry out the study* 6. Analyze the data 7. Communicate the results

#9 – Analyze information and draw conclusions #10 – Share and use research knowledge

Table 2 : Comparing Research Steps to Ten Essentials of Research

* IRB review. Some studies will require IRB approval. This step could not be started until approval is received.

Experimental-type research is much stricter at following a linear model; however, a “mixed -methods approach will sequence the 10 essentials differently” ( DePoy & Gitlin, 2020, p. 15).

Global Datasets for Public Use

This is a great website from Gallup (CliftonStrengths) on public datasets available (from their clients). Please visit: https://www.gallup.com/analytics/318923/world-poll-public-datasets.aspx

My favorite by far is BRIQ Institute with their Global Preferences Survey. Not only do they give you the dataset to download, you can see instant data visualizations. Please visit: https://www.briq- institute.org/global-preferences/maps


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