2023 Parent-Family-Handbook


It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to The Woods Family and congratulate you on your student’s acceptance to Saint Mary-of-the Woods College. Here at SMWC we believe that parents, family members and loved ones are our strongest allies and resources in our efforts to support student success. For the past 18 or more years, you have shared your values with your students. Your work supporting your students will continue to be a great guidebook for their journey. In Student Affairs, we are focused on the education our students receive outside the classroom. Though we are mindful that the

intellectual life will be the core of the enterprise at SMWC, we are dedicated to the idea that learning continues, is enhanced and is made meaningful beyond the threshold of the conventional classroom. This student-centered approach is very much in keeping with our traditions and mission. We are committed to the idea that every experience at SMWC is an element of a student’s education and we feel privileged to be an institution where leaders are educated. To support their out-of-classroom experiences, we have a variety of student affairs units here to help. Students access these resources as they grow as individuals, choose where and with whom to live and decide where to gather — as well as learn how to get involved, give back and thrive as Pomeroys. These areas are Campus Life, Campus Ministry, Counseling and Health Services Clinic. Again, welcome. All of us at Saint Mary-of-the Woods College’s student affairs area are looking forward to seeing you at campus visits and at our orientation program when you arrive on campus.


Aimee Janssen-Robinson, Ph.D., CHES, Associate Vice President for Student Affairs


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